Sections 9 to 28


Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd March

Robertson Show Pavilion winner

Enter here:

If you are not confident about entering online with Showday, the lovely volunteers at the Robertson CTC on Hoddle Street, Robertson will be happy to help you.

Download the 2024 Pavilion Schedule >

Download a paper Pavilion Entry Form >

Robertson Show Pavilion

The Pavilion is proudly sponsored by

Southern Rise Bakery logo

Any Government COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS in place at the time of the show will apply on the showground

Pavilion Regulations

  1. ONLINE ENTRY: Please note: The CTC Robertson is available to assist people
    with their online entries.
  2. All entry forms to be completed online by Tue 27th Feb 2024
  3. Late entries may be displayed but will not be judged.
  4. For all exhibit closing times see the individual sections.
  5. Exhibits must not have been entered at any previous Robertson Shows
  6. ENTRY FEES (Open Classes)
    Non-member = $2 | Members = $1 | Children = free
  7. White Exhibitor Claim Tickets must be produced to claim exhibits & prizes.
  8. Most successful exhibitor:
    1st = 3 points | 2nd = 2 points | 3rd = 1 point if awarded
  9. PAVILION OPEN: Friday 9.30am-5pm | Saturday 9am-5pm
    • All perishable entries not collected by 11am will discarded,
    • All other entries may be collected by appointment,
    • All exhibits must be marked off by Stewards before leaving the pavilion.
  11. Prize money in all Pavilion Classes (unless stated otherwise) 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Issued from Show Office from 9am Saturday
    2nd March. School money will be issued at schools. Money not collected by Friday 29th March 2024 will be forfeited.
  12. RIBBONS & TROPHIES: issued with exhibits on Sunday 3rd March.
  13. JUNIOR AGES – 17 years & under – must be 17 on 2/3/24
    AOV = any other variety
    NND = not necessarily distinct
    NOS = not otherwise specified
    Ribbon, Robertson Show Medal and Perpetual Trophy Awarded to the Exhibitor who accrues the most points over all the Pavilion Section

Damage through exhibits: The Society will not be responsible for any accidents that may be caused through or by any exhibits. It is a condition of every entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Society blameless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from such accidents.
Damage to exhibits: Under no circumstances will The Society be responsible for any damage to, loss of, or mis-delivery of, exhibits.

Robertson Show Pavilion Woolen garments
Robertson Show Pavilion Needlework


ENTRY DEADLINE 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS to be in pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Cressida Cains
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

9000  Fresh Cheese eg: chevre, feta, mascarpone, Haloumi and cream cheese(Non-Professional)
9001  White Mould eg: White mould, washed Rind and Blue Vein
9002  Hard, Semi Hard Cheese eg: Cheddar, Swiss styles, Parmesan, Tomme and Pecorino
9003  Yoghurt – Plain or Flavoured
9004  Butter – Cultured or Non Cultured Salted or unsalted
CHAMPION Dairy Products: $20, Ribbon & Perpetual Trophy

Section 10 – FARM PRODUCE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Michael Vaughan, Trevor Donovan, Barry Donovan, Carolyn Donovan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
All produce to be grown by exhibitor or family member of exhibitor.


1001  Corn, suitable for fodder, 6 stalks.
1002  Largest Sunflower showing Exhibition Form, 1st = $25, 2nd = $15 – donated by Vinne Norman
1003  Machine Baled Hay, predominantly Clover, 1 bale,
1004  Sward of Pasture (boxed) not exceeding 1/2 metres squared, showing best balance of variety for pasture

All egg classes to be displayed in egg carton, unwashed, not polished or bought
1005  Hen eggs, white 6 only
1006  Hen eggs brown, 6 only
1007  Duck eggs, any variety, 6 only
1008  Eggs, any other poultry, 6 only, distinct variety, name variety
1009  Honey, Plain 500 grams.
1010  Honey, Creamed 500 grams
1011  Honey, Candied 500 grams
1012  Hive frame (no bees to be included)
1013  Produce not otherwise specified


JUNIOR CLASSES (12 years and under):

1014  Eggs – hen, duck or any other poultry, 6 only, distinct variety, name variety
1015  Any other produce.

Section 11 – VEGETABLES

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Trevor Donovan, Barry Donovan, Carolyn Donovan, Michael Vaughan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024. Vegetable exhibits (except pumpkins) may be cut for judging. All produce to be grown by exhibitor or family member of exhibitor. Tomatoes are judged in Fruit Section.

1101  Potatoes any variety, white skins, 1 kg
1102  Potatoes any variety, red skins, 1 kg
1103  Potatoes, white, 4 only
1104  Potatoes, red, 4 only
1105  Potatoes, any other colour, 4 only
1106  Small Potatoes, 6 only
1107  Cocktail Potatoes, 6 only
1108  2 Heaviest Potatoes
1109  Best Presentation of potatoes displayed in a container 1st $40, 2nd $10
1110  1kg of Brushed potatoes displayed in a container 1st $40, 2nd $10

1111  Brassica any variety eg. cabbage, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.
1112  Cucumbers, any variety, 3 only
1113  Onions, any variety 4 only
1114  Onions, spring, 6 only, bunched
1115  Capsicum, any colour, 3 only, may be mixed colours
1116  Parsnips, 3 only

FRED WOOD MEMORIAL For the most outstanding exhibit from Classes 1117 & 1155, $20 prize money – donated by Mrs K Wood

1117  Carrots, any variety 4 only – bunched with tops
1118  Rainbow Chard, bunched 6 stalks
1119  Silver Beet, bunched, 6 stalks
1120  Snow peas, 250 grams
1121  Beans – Flat 250 grams
1122  Beans, round, 250 grams
1123  Lettuce
1124  Sweet corn, 3 cobs
1125  Radishes, any variety – 6 only
1126  Garlic – 2 whole bulbs
1127  Beetroot, any variety
1128  Pumpkin, Crown Prince 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1129  Pumpkin, Butternut 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1130  Pumpkin, Queensland Blue 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1131  Pumpkin, Golden Nugget, 3 only 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1132  Pumpkin, any other variety 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1133  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1134  Collection of 6 pumpkins, all different varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1135  Button Squash, Green or Golden, 6 only
1136  Vegetable Marrow any variety
1137  Squash any variety
1138  Zucchini, 4 only – donated by Mr David Cunningham in Memory of his father, John.
1139  Gramma
1140  Gourd
1141  Parsley, 1 bunch
1142  Rhubarb, 6 stalks
1143  Vegetable AOV
1144  Any vegetable grown by exhibitor over 70 years
1145  Collection of Kitchen Herbs, 5 varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1146  Collection Salad vegetables, 5 varieties, 2 of each 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1147  Collection Baby vegetables, 6 varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Prize money in classes 2095 to 2097 – donated by the Robertson Garden Club

1148 SNOW DONOVAN MEMORIAL PRIZE Collection of vegetables, 10 varieties. 1st = $30, 2nd = $20, 3rd = $10 – donated by Mrs Val Donovan

CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $50 and Ribbon – donated by the Robertson Garden Club


JUNIOR CLASSES (12 years & under):
1149  Potatoes, white, 3 only
1150  Potatoes, red, 3 only
1151  Largest Potato 1st = $10
1152  Collection of potatoes displayed in a container 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
1153  Onions, any variety, 2 only
1154  Beans, any variety, 4 only of same variety
1155  Carrots, 3 only
1156  Zucchinis, 3 only
1157  Biggest Zucchini
1158  Cucumbers, any variety, 2 only of same variety
1159  Pumpkin, any variety
1160  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield
1161  Vegetable, any other variety
1162  Collection of Vegetables, any 4 varieties. Judged on quality & presentation
1163  Best Animal made from any type of vegetables, under 8 yrs
1164  Best Animal made of any type of vegetables, 8 – 12 yrs
1165 Best Animal made from potatoes only
Prize money in classes 1163 to 1165 – donated by Margaret Whatman

JUNIOR CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield


YOUTH CLASSES (13 – 17 yrs):
1166  Potatoes, white, 3 only
1167  Potatoes, red, 3 only
1168  Largest Potato
Prize money for classes 1166 to 1168 – donated by Al & Sandy Mauger

1169  Best Collection of potatoes displayed in a container
1170  Onions, any variety, 2 only
1171  Beans, any variety, 4 only of same variety
1172  Carrots, 3 only
1173  Zucchinis, 3 only
1174  Biggest Zucchini
1175  Cucumbers, any variety, 2 only of same
1176  Pumpkin, any variety
1177  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $30, 2nd = $20
1178  Collection of Vegetables, any 4 varieties, judged on quality & presentation

YOUTH CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield


JUNIOR CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield



1179 Heaviest Pumpkin – Open
Open to exhibitors 19 years and over as at the close of entry date. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 70kg. Any entry under 70kg is not eligible to compete. 1st = $250, 2nd = $200, 3rd = $150

1180 Heaviest Pumpkin – Schools
Open to students 18 years and under as at the close of entry date where the pumpkin is harvested in the school garden. Prize monies will be awarded to the school. The entry is to be submitted under the school name. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 20kg. Any entry under 20kg is ineligible to compete.
1st = $450, 2nd = $300, 3rd = $200

1181 Heaviest Pumpkin – Youth
Open to individual students 18 years and under as at the close of entry date where pumpkin has not been harvested in a school garden environment. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 20kg. Any entry under 20kg is ineligible to compete. 1st = $150, 2nd = $100, 3rd = $50

Section 12 – FRUIT

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion by 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Trevor Donovan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

1201  Apples – Delicious, Golden or red – 4 only
1202  Apples – Red Fuji – 4 only
1203  Apples – any other variety – 4 only
1204  Collection of Apples, 3 varieties, 3 of each
1205  Pears – any variety – 4 only
1206  Quinces – 4 only
1207  Plums – any variety – 6 only
1208  Lemons – any variety NND – 6 only
1209  Grapefruit – 4 only
1210  Citrus – any other variety – 4 only
1211  Tomatoes – green – to have stalks – 4 only
1212  Tomatoes – ripe – to have stalks – 4 only
1213  Tomatoes – small – cherry, grape etc. – 6 only
1214  Tomatoes – any other variety – 4 only

1215  Melon, any variety 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 – donated by Mr David Cunningham in memory of his father, John.
1216  Fruit – any other variety – 3 only
1217  Collection of Fruit, 4 varieties, 2 of each 1st = $20, 2nd = $10

JUNIOR CLASSES 17 years & under:
1218  Plums – any variety – 6 only
1219  Tomatoes – green – to have stalks – 4 only
1220  Any other fruit (including tomatoes) any variety, 2 only, same variety.

CHAMPION FRUIT: Ribbon & $50 – donated by Robertson Garden Club



JUNIOR JUDGING: Fruit, Vegetables & Grain
The Robertson Show Society will host South Coast & Tablelands. Group 5 Competitions at Robertson Showground on Friday 1st March 2024.
For students 12 – 15 years and 15 – 25 years. The two top place winners in the Senior age group of both competitions will be eligible to compete at the 2024 Sydney Royal Agricultural Show.

1221  12 to 15 years: 1st $80, 2nd $50, 3rd $30
1222  15 to 25 years: Top 2 place getters 1st $80, 2nd $50, 3rd $30

For more details contact Group 5 Secretary: Sue Sharpe email


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 2pm – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Renee Eccleston & Les Eccleston
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
• Vase: any bottle or container, with height greater than its width, suitable for showing cut flowers and foliage.
• Bowl: any container with its diameter equal to or greater than its height
• Novice – First time exhibitor at Robertson show
• A container should not be too large for the shelving.
• Large ornamental vases are not recommended
• DISTINCT: Means that the bloom must be of a different cultivar from the others.
• N.N.D.: Not Necessarily Distinct. This means that two (2) or more blooms may be of the same cultivar. Where NND is specified for one vase of three blooms, each one of the different cultivars may be or may not be shown.

ROSE CLASSES: (Roses to be named)
1301  3 vases – exhibitor’s own choice, all distinct varieties, (must be different) 1 flower only, no buds.
1302  3 vases of exhibitor’s own choice, all different varieties of roses, – 1 flower only no buds. Must be a resident of the Wingecarribee Shire
1303  1 container of cluster flower roses 1 to 6 stems, must have minimum of ten blooms, all same cultivar.
1304  1 container of cluster flower roses 1 to 6 stems, must have minimum of ten blooms NND
1305  1 Exhibition Rose, 1 flower only, no buds 1st $ 10, 2nd $ 5 – donated by Robertson Garden Club
1306  1 Rose – 1 flower only, no buds 1st $10, 2nd $5 – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary
1307  1 Rose – 1 flower only, no buds. Must be a resident of the Wingecarribee Shire 1st $10, 2nd $5
1308  Four Stages of Life, 1 Bud, 1 Bud Opening, 1 Exhibition, 1 Full Blown Rose
1309  Vase of 3 full blown Roses NND
1310  Container of Roses, NND

BOWL CLASSES: Roses that can’t be shown in above classes. May include buds, hips and foliage. Max. size of exhibit 30cm wide x 20cm high.
1311  Bowl of Roses – miniature or polyantha
1312  Bowl of Large Flowered Climbers or Shrubs
1313  Bowl of short stemmed cluster flowers, climbers or shrubs
1314  Exhibit by a Novice Exhibitor (Any of the above Classes)

CHAMPION ROSE EXHIBIT (from classes 1301 to 1314) $50 and Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Garden Club

1315  Belladonna – 3 cuts
1316  Container of Pelargoniums or Geraniums.
1317  Container of Salvia, 3 cuts
1318  Container of Proteas or Leucodendrons, 3 cuts – NND
1319  Container of Alstroemeria, 3 cuts (NZ Christmas Bells)
1320  Container of Michaelmas Daisies.
1321  Container of Anemone Hybrida, 6 cuts (Japanese Windflowers)
1322  Container of Hydrangeas, 3 Cuts – NND, 1st $15, 2nd $5 – donated by Robertson Garden Club
1323  Container of Paniculatas, 3 Cuts (New Zealand Hydrangea)
1324  Container of Fuchsias
1325  Container of Nerines – NND, min. 1, max. 4
1326  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type (No Dahlias)
1327  Container of Native flowers, 1st $10, 2nd $5 (including trees and shrubs) – donated by the Robertson Show Auxiliary
1328  Container of bush tucker plants (3 varieties – plants to be named)
1329  Container of Flowers from non native shrubs or trees, 3 cuts.
1330  Container of Coloured Foliage, 4 cuts.
1331  Collection of flowers NND
1332  Container of Mixed Blooms shown by a Novice Exhibitor, 1st = $15, 2nd = $5 – donated in Memory of Mrs Ann Schofield

CHAMPION CUT FLOWER EXHIBIT: (from classes 1315-1332) $20.00 & Ribbon
– in Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

JUNIORS 8 yrs and under:
1333  Container of Lavender
1334  Container of Hydrangeas
1335  Container of Native flowers
1336  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1337  Container of Mixed flowers,

JUNIORS 9 and under 12:
1338  Container of Lavender
1339  Container of Hydrangeas
1340  Container of Native flowers
1341  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1342  Container of Mixed flowers,

JUNIORS 13 & under 17:
1343  Container of Lavender
1344  Container of Hydrangeas
1345  Container of Native flowers
1346  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1347  Container of Mixed flowers

JUNIOR CHAMPION CUT FLOWERS (from classes 1333-1347) $5 and Ribbon
– in Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

• Dahlias over 160mm are shown one to a vase.
• Dahlias under 160mm are shown three to a vase, except Show Dahlias, which are shown one to a vase.
• A vase is any bottle or container suitable for showing Dahlias.

1348 ROBERTSON DAHLIA CHAMPION: Cultivars to be named – 3 vases, distinct types, standard units. 1st = $50 & Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Garden Club

1349 TED McGUINNESS MEMORIAL AWARD: Cultivars to be named – 1 Decorative dahlia, 1 Exhibition dahlia, 1 Cactus dahlia $20
– donated by Mrs Edna McGuinness

1350 MISS JOAN MEMORIAL AWARD: 1 vase collarette, 3 blooms, 1 variety – Miss Joan, under 160mm, Best Vase $20.00
– donated by Mr David Cunningham in memory of his mother, Joan Cunningham

1351  One Decorative Dahlia over 160m
1352  One Vase Decorative Dahlias under l60mm – 3 blooms
1353  One Cactus Dahlia over 160mm
1354  One Vase Cactus Dahlias – under 160mm – 3 blooms
1355  One Vase Waterlily Dahlias – 3 blooms
1356  One Vase Pom Pone Dahlias – 1 variety – 3 blooms
1357  One Dahlia, any other variety
1358  Novice – 1 Vase – 3 blooms, any variety – donated by Mrs Annette O’Donnell

JUNIOR BEGINNERS: 17 years and Under.
1359  One dahlia over 160mm 1360 1 vase dahlia under 160mm, 3 blooms

GRAND CHAMPION DAHLIA: $80 and Ribbon – donated by Robertson Garden Club

MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Ribbon – In Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

Section 14 – DECORATIVE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 2pm – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Annette O’Donnell, Lynne Tierney
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

• Only two (2) entries allowed, per exhibitor, in each class.
• Free Expression: in all classes unless otherwise stated.
• Embellishment: natural and/or artificial embellishment may be used

1401  Simplicity
1402  “Roadside Beauty” created from materials collected from roadside foliage
1403  Bright and Beautiful
1404  Dining Table – No higher than 9” (23cm) to include roses
1405  Fascinating Foliage
1406  Autumn Glory
1407  Native Arrangement
1408  Harvest Festival using flowers, fruit and vegetables
1409  From a Country Garden
1410  Weeds, seeds and leaves – originality unlimited
1411  “Celebration” eg Wedding, Birthday, Christmas etc. please specify
1412  Harmony with Two Colours

CHAMPION DECORATIVE: Mrs Julia Mackey Memorial. $20 and ribbon


1413  Arranged Saucer of flowers under 6 years
1414  Arrangement of flowers in egg cup under 6 years
1415  Floral carpet on a plate – 6 & under 9 years
1416  A Farmyard – 6 & under 9 years
1417  A Fairy Garden – 6 & under 9years
1418  Novelty Necklace of flowers – 6 & under 12 years
1419  Arrangement of flowers – 9 & under 12 years
1420  Weeds and Seeds – 12 & under 17 years
1421  Arrangement of flowers – 12 & under 17 years
1422  Flowers for Your Valentine – 12 & under 17 years



Section 15 – POT PLANTS

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 4pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Sonia O’Shea and Judith Volcich
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

• Entry tickets to be fixed on pots
• Size of pots to be no larger than 30cm in diameter
• Plants not to exceed 60cm in diameter at their widest part
• Plants will be watered by stewards if entered early
• Limit of 2 entries per person per class

1501  Orchid, any variety.
1502  Pot plant in a recycled vessel
1503  Fern, any other variety.
1504  Pot Plant, with variegated leaf.
1505  Pot plant in flower
1506  Flowering begonia – any variety
1507  African Violet.
1508  Cactus
1509  Succulents
1510  Miniature Garden Cacti or Succulents.
1511  Bonsai
1512  Bromeliad, any variety
1513  Pot plant, not otherwise specified.
1514  Mixed Herbs in a pot, 1st $10, 2nd $6
1515  Vertical wall display (1.5m x 1m only – able to be mounted)

CHAMPION POT PLANT: $20 and Ribbon – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


JUNIOR CLASSES: Prizes in gumboot classes 1516, 1520 & 2354 – donated by Mr & Mrs J Skipper
8 years & under:
1516  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1517  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1518  Pot Plant, any variety
1519  Farm in a pot – create your own farm

9 to under 12 years:
1520  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1521  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1522  Pot Plant, any variety
1523  Herbs in a pot – at least 3 varieties

12 years to under 17 years:
1524  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1525  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1526  Pot Plant, any variety
1527  Herbs in a pot – at least 3 varieties.

JUNIOR CHAMPION POT PLANT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


Section 16 – COOKERY

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Val Donovan, Sharon Donovan, Julienna Ferenczi, Jodie Donovan, Jackie Tickner
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

RULES AND REGULATIONS: please read carefully
No packet cake mixtures to be used unless otherwise specified. Exhibits in this section must be made by exhibitor. All cakes to be exhibited on firm flat cardboard, covered with grease proof paper. Cardboard must be same size as the cake. Baking papers to be removed from all cakes. Exhibit ticket to be attached to exhibit with a toothpick. No ring tins or spring form pans to be used Cakes in classes 2, 3 and 4 must have cleats or runners attached to base boards.

HINTS ON EXHIBITION COOKING: It is important you read the schedule carefully.
Check closing times for entries. No wire rack marks – cool on tea-towel. Use caster sugar for finer cakes.
Do not put your cakes in plastic containers or bags before judging as this can draw moisture – use cellophane for best results. Biscuits, pikelets, slices and scones should be dainty. Iced cake on top only, unless otherwise stated. Weigh sponge mixture for even heights. Scones – always use sharp cutter, always wipe excess flour from base.

1601  THE MARBLE CAKE CHALLENGE: (traditional colours only, pink, brown and white), Iced top only with pale pink icing, cooked in 20cm (8”) round tinDon’t miss this great opportunity to join the elite cake cooks. 1st = $60, 2nd = $30, 3rd = $10 – donated by “The Cool Room Emporium: Old Cheese Factory Robertson

Exhibits in Classes 1602 – 1604 may use cake blocks, please state if used
1602  Formally Decorated Fondant Iced Cake – e.g. wedding with leaves, flowers, buds etc. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
– donated by Ms F Donnelly

1603  Most creatively decorated Novelty cake. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1604  Creatively decorated cupcakes – may be cooked in paper. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Classes 1603 & 1604 – donated in Memory of Audrey Emery

CHAMPION DECORATED CAKE: $20 & Ribbon – donated in memory of Audrey Emery

1605  Plain Sponge – jam filled only, not iced. Not to be cooked with cornflour 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1606  Sponge – any other variety, mock cream filled, not iced. Not to be cooked with cornflour 1st = $10, 2nd = $5

CHAMPION SPONGE – Rita Hindmarsh Memorial: $20.00 & Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Show Society Auxiliary

1607  Sultana Cake – 20cm (8”) tin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1608  Fruit Cake – light – 20cm (8”) 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1609  Six Lamingtons 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Classes 1607 to 1609 – donated in memory of Mrs Joyce Menzies

1610  Chocolate cake – iced top only
1611  Orange Cake – Iced top only
1612  Butter Cake – iced top only
1613  Chocolate Potato Cake – iced top only
1614  Sour cream cake – iced top only
Classes 1610 to 1614 – donated by Mrs F Bailey in memory of Mrs J Mackey

1615  GENTLEMEN!! Carrot Cake Challenge iced with cream cheese. Iced, top only (Men only) 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5
– donated by Dhugald McDowall

1616  Six Butterfly Cakes – not cooked in paper
1617  Six Patty Cakes – not cooked in paper
Classes 1616 and 1617 in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson – donated by Mrs M Moore

1618  Cake NOS – state type
1619  Six biscuits – 2 varieties
1620  Favourite slice – 6 pieces 2 varieties
1621  Six plain scones
1622  Six muffins – not cooked in paper
1623  Six Date scones
Classes 1618 to 1623 – donated by Mr & Mrs A & M Oehm

1624  Plate of Coconut Ice
1625  Plate Home Made Sweets
1626  Specimen of Cooking NOS
Classes 1624, 1625 & 1626 – donated in memory of Lucy Vaughan

1627  Apple Pie – cooked in pie dish – in memory of Cas Norman
1628  Gluten Free Cookery 1st = $30, 2nd = $20, 3rd = $10 – donated by Mrs Carmel Wilkinson
1629  GROUP 5 RICH FRUIT CAKE Winner of the Robertson Competition is eligible to enter Group Judging (Nov. 2024) 1st = $20, 2nd = $15, 3rd = $10 – donated by Ms Fiona Donnelly  Additional 1st prize $25 – sponsorship by Andrew Horne and ASC.

INGREDIENTS: 250g (8 oz) sultanas, 250 g (8 oz) chopped raisins, 250 g (8 oz) currants, 125 g (4 oz) chopped mixed peel, 90 g (3oz) chopped red glace cherries, 90 g (3 oz) chopped blanched almonds, 1/3 cup sherry or brandy, 250 g (8 oz) plain flour, 60 g (2 oz) self-raising flour, 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, 250g (8 oz) butter, 250g (8 oz), soft brown sugar, ½ teaspoon lemon essence OR finely grated lemon rind, ½ teaspoon almond essence, ½ teaspoon, vanilla essence, 4 large eggs.

RECOMMENDED METHOD: Mix together all the fruits and nuts and sprinkle with the sherry or brandy. Cover and leave for at least 1 hour, but preferably overnight. Sift together the flours and spices Cream together the butter and sugar with the essences. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after, each addition, then alternately add the fruit and flour mixtures. Mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stiff enough to support a wooden spoon. Place the mixture into a prepared square 20cm x 20cm (8” x 8”) tin and bake in a slow oven for approximately 3 ½ – 4 hours. Allow the cake to cool in the tin. Note: To ensure uniformity and depending upon the size it is suggested the raisins be snipped into 2 or 3 pieces, cherries into 4-6 pieces and almonds crosswise into 3-4 pieces. Note: cake height is not to exceed 5.7cms.

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1601-1629) $20 & Ribbon – donated by Vincent Norman


JUNIOR CLASSES 8 years & under
1630  Marble Cake. Book & 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Robertson Pre-School
1631  Chocolate Cake, iced top only. 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Margaret Whatman
1632  Four Decorated commercial plain biscuits (eg Arrowroot etc) on a white plate no larger than 18 cm – donated by Trevor & Sharon Donovan
1633  Six Anzac Biscuits
1634  Six choc chip biscuits
1635  Packet Cake
1636  Decorated Novelty Cake – may use packet cake
CHAMPION COOKERY (Classes 1630 to 1636) Ribbon & $ 5 – donated by G & D Foley

JUNIOR CLASSES 9 and under 12 years
1637  Marble Cake Book & 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 – donated by Robertson Pre-School
1638  Chocolate Cake, iced top only. 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Margaret Whatman
1639  Six Anzac Biscuits
1640  Six Choc Chip Biscuits
1641  Four best cupcakes any variety (may be presented in paper)
1642  Six Muffins
1643  Orange Cake – plain iced, top only. 1st $10, 2nd $5
1644  Decorated Novelty Cake. 1st $10, 2nd $5
1645  Edible necklace – anything edible strung on cotton or fishing line. 1st $10, 2nd $5 – donated in memory of Joyce Menzies

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1637 to 1645) Ribbon & $ 10 – donated by G & D Foley

JUNIOR CLASSES 13 and under 17 years
1646  CHOCOLATE CAKE CHALLENGE plain iced, top only. 1st $15 & Book, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 – donated by Alexandra Stannard
1647  Six Lamingtons
1648  Butter cake , iced top only
1649  Orange cake, iced top only
1650  Six Pieces of Slice
1651  Six Muffins
1652  Four best cupcakes any variety (may be presented in paper)
1653  Plate of Brownies
1654  Specimen of cooking not otherwise specified
1655  Decorated Novelty Cake 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Trevor & Sharon Donovan

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1646-1655) Ribbon & $10 – donated by G & D Foley

MOST SUCCESSFUL JUNIOR EXHIBITOR: (Classes 1630-1655) Ribbon & Award

Section 17 – BREAD

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Sandra Banbury, Peter Glass, Elizabeth Ellis
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

RULES AND REGULATIONS: please read carefully
• Exhibits in this section must be made by exhibitor
• No bought loaves of bread
• Amateur – a person who bakes bread, as a pastime and for no gain.
• Professional – A professional is a person whose job is to bake and sell bread.

1701  Sour dough
1702  Wholemeal loaf
1703  White loaf
1704  Specialty bread – exhibitors choice
1705  Four (4) bread rolls of any variety

1706  Sour dough
1707  Wholemeal loaf
1708  White loaf
1709  Specialty bread– exhibitors choice
1710  Four (4) bread rolls of any variety



Section 18 – PRESERVES

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARDS: Susan Walker, Peta Moss
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • No more than two entries in each class per exhibitor, excepting classes marked with an asterisk & collections.
  • NOS Classes – if more than one entry per exhibitor, entries must be distinct and different varieties. Please name varieties.
  • All exhibits may be opened for judging.
  • All preserves to be exhibited in screw or twist top jars only.
  • No identifying labels allowed on jars except in Classes 1810, 1812, 1818, 1823, 1833
  • Each bottle in collections to be marked on base with class and exhibitor number.
  • Lids to be plain, metal only & brand names not to be showing.
  • No wax to be used to seal any exhibit.
  • Presentation is important – all jars and lids must be clean, no sign of rust or corrosion on metal lids.
  • In classes where varieties are not specified, if more than 3 entries of any one variety, a new class may be created by the Judge.
  • If any ingredient is used which may cause an allergic reaction please label jar accordingly

JAMS: Must be presented in glass jars to be between 375 – 500 grams filled weight, with jars only filled to the bottom of the lid thread.

1801  Strawberry
1802  Peach
1803  Dark Plum
1804  Light Plum
1805  Blackberry
1806  Apricot
1807  Raspberry
1808  Damson
1809  Grape
1810  Fig
1811  *Jam NOS
1812  Orange Marmalade
1813  *Marmalade NOS
Classes 1801 – 1813 – donated by Burrawang Wildes Meadow Community Association

JELLIES: Not less than 100 grams
1814  Apple
1815  Blackberry
1816  Quince
1817  Plum or Damson
1818  Mint Jelly
1819  * Jelly NOS

PICKLES, RELISH & CHUTNEYS: not less than 375 grams
1820  Mustard Pickles
1821  Clear Pickles
1822  Green Tomato Pickles
1823  Pickled Onions
1824  * Pickles NOS
1825  Chutney
1826  Tomato Relish
1827  Relish, AOV
Classes 1820 – 1827 in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson – donated by Mrs M Moore

CONDIMENTS: 300-500 ml sauce bottles
1828  Tomato Sauce
1829  Plum Sauce
1830  Herbed Vinegar
1831  Flavoured Oil
1832  Passatta

1833  Lemon Butter – not less than 100 gram jar.
1834  * Paste, any variety eg. olive, quince, fig etc, no less than 100 grams
1835  Vegetable Preserves using Vacola type process, max 3 entries per exhibitor.
1836  Fruit Preserves using Vacola type process, max 3 entries per exhibitor
1837  Dried Fruit any variety
1838  Tapenade any variety

CHAMPION PRESERVE: Classes 1801 – 1838 $30 & Ribbon

COLLECTIONS: Judged on presentation, as well as quality of preserves. To be named.
1839  Collection of marmalade – 3 bottles, 3 different varieties, to be named,
1840  Collection of jams, 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named
1841  Mens’ Challenge – Collection of jams, 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5 – donated by Dhughald McDowell
1842  Collection of jams by a Novice – 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named.
1843  Collection of Jellies, 4 bottles only, 4 different varieties, to be named.
1844  Collection – Pickles, Sauces, Vinegar, Chutney, Relish, Olives etc, 6 bottles only, of 6 different kinds.



JUNIOR SECTION: 17 years & under
Two entries max per exhibitor in each class. New classes may be scheduled at Stewards’ discretion.
1845  Plum Jam
1846  Jam, AOV, name variety
1847  Jelly, any variety, name variety
1848  Chutney
1849  Chutney Collection – two distinct varieties
1850  Sauce, any variety, name variety
1851  Pickles, any variety, name variety
1852  Chutney, 54, Herbed Vinegar
1853  Pantry Collection – Jam, Jelly, Sauce, Chutney, etc, 4 bottles only, of 4 different kinds. To be named

JUNIOR CHAMPION PRESERVES: Award & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Yasbsley



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARD: Kim de Montemas
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • No more than two entries in each class per exhibitor
  • All exhibits may be opened for judging.
  • No identifying labels allowed on bottles
  • Lids to be plain – brand names not to be showing.
  • No wax to be used to seal any exhibit.
  • Presentation is important – all bottles and lids must be clean, no sign of rust or corrosion on metal lids.

1901  Home-made wine – 750ml bottle
1902  Beer, home brew
1903  Ginger beer
1904  Lager
1905  Cider


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Trish Tindall
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024


  • Make your own sheep, or an item with a sheep theme, to be part of the flock in the Pavilion. Live sheep are not eligible
  • Entries can be made by an individual or a group
  • Limit of one entry per person or per group
  • Maximum overall size for individual entries: 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
  • Maximum overall size for group entries: 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm
  • Any technique (e.g knitting, weaving ,felting, crochet, sewing)
  • Bring any props needed for display

2001  Individual entry -Best Sheep in Show -Open (17 years and over)
2002  Individual entry- Best Sheep in Show -Junior (13 to under 17 years of age)
2003  Individual entry- Best Sheep in Show -Junior (12 years and under)
2004  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show –Open (17 years and over)
2005  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show – Junior (13 to under 17 years of age)
2006  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show – Junior (12 years and under)

PEOPLES’ CHOICE AWARD $50 and ribbon

CHAMPION SHEEP IN SHOW $100 and ribbon

Section 20 – FANCYWORK

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARD: Susan McGregor, Cathy King
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024
For all entry and judging times, entry fees, prize money not otherwise specified, see page 1


  • All work must be clean, unused and the work of the exhibitor
  • Work must not have been exhibited in a previous Robertson Show
  • Work must have been completed in last 2 years
  • Work must have been done by hand unless otherwise stated


  • If work is mounted must be no longer than 60cm x 60cm including frame
  • If the article is a cushion, garment, coat hanger etc. the base maybe machine sewn

2007  Article of Fancywork $20 – donated by Cathy King
2008  Article of Wool Embroidery
2009  Article of Beaded Embroidery
2010  Article of Slow Stitching $20 – donated by Cathy King
2011  Article of Embroidery not otherwise stated e.g candlewicking, ribbon embroidery $20 – donated by Cathy King
2012  Creative Hand Embroidery – own design, may use multiple techniques $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2013  Article of Machine Embroidery – own design, may use multiple techniques
2014  Article showing Innovative Trends in Embroidery $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams

CHAMPION FANCYWORK EXHIBIT – $20 and Ribbon – donated in memory of D&B Williams

If work is mounted must be no larger than 60cm x 60cm including frame

2015  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch – Aida Cloth
2016  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch – Linen
2017  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch, Linen or Aida, unframed, e.g. cushion, needle roll etc $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams

CHAMPION COUNTED THREAD $20 and ribbon – donated in memory of D & B Williams

If work is mounted must be no larger than 60cm x 60cm including frame

2018  Article of Tapestry – unmounted
2019  Article of Tapestry – mounted
2020  Article of Tapestry – non-traditional stitch
2021  Article of Tapestry – e.g. cushion, fire stand
2022  Article of Long Stitch

CHAMPION TAPESTRY – $20 and Ribbon – donated in memory of D & B Williams

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17 years
2027  Article of Embroidery $10 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2028  Article of Cross Stitch
2029  Article of Long Stitch
2030  Article of Tapestry

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under
2023  Article of Embroidery $10 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2024  Article of Cross Stitch
2025  Article of Long Stitch
2026  Article of Tapestry


Proudly support by the Robertson Burrow.

• Work must not be mounted
• A photograph(s) of the original article(s) prior to upcycling and an
explanation of the work must accompany the upcycled article

2031  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2032  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2033  Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2034  Article constructed from recycled cloth, clothing, fabric, household linen, napiery. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow

CHAMPION UPCYCLING EXHIBIT: $30 donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under:
2035  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2036  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2037 Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2038 Article constructed from recycled clothing $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17 years:
2039  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2040  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2041 Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2042 Article constructed from recycled clothing. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
JUNIOR CHAMPION UPCYCLING EXHIBIT: $30 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

Section 21 – NEEDLEWORK

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of. For all regulations, denitions, see page 3
STEWARDS: Noellee Taylor, Bec Garske, Leanne Cleary
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All exhibits must have been completed within previous two years
  • To be unworn and unused
    Quilting must be done by exhibitor (except where stated)
    Professionals & teachers to enter Class 2617 only

2101  Child’s Frock
2102  Article of Clothing, not quilted
2103  Article including Applique other than quilts
2104  Cushion
2105  Article of needlework – other than specified eg. coat hanger
2106  Any article of needlework (may include quilting) by an adult with a disability relating to sight or movement. 1st $10, 2nd $5

QUILTS must have a sleeve attached. Prize money 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5 unless otherwise stated

2107  Patchwork Quilt – machine made by a novice, 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
2108  Patchwork Quilt – hand/machine pieced. Must include 60% hand constructed & 100% hand quilted.
2109  Quilt predominately Applique – Hand and/or machine pieced and quilted. More than 60% must be appliqued
2110  Patchwork Quilt – hand/ machine constructed, machine quilted by professional. Must be 60% hand constructed
2111  Patchwork Quilt – hand / machine pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor. Must be 60% hand constructed
2112  Patchwork Quilt – machine pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor
2113  Patchwork Quilt – machine pieced, machine quilted by professional
2114  Patchwork Garment 1st = $15, 2nd = $7
2115  Article of Patchwork – machine made. 2116 Any Quilted Article, other than quilt.
2117  Professional Class (for tutors, teachers etc.) Any article or garment which includes quilting.
2118  “Cindy Ambrose” Perpetual Prize for Patchwork Quilt – machine or hand pieced or applique, machine or hand quilted. 1st = $35, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5
– donated by Allison Lim


MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN NEEDLEWORK: Ribbon and $20 – donated by Mr Vinnie Norman in memory of “Diddy Norman“

Competition to be Conducted at Society, Group & State Level 1st = $80, 2nd = $50, 3rd = $30. Group judging to be held Monday 11th March 2024 at Berry.
RULES & REGULATIONS – Rules as of the 5/9/2019

  1. The exhibit is to be not more than one metre on any one side (rectangle or square
    shape only)
  2. Framed and board mounted exhibits not permitted.
  3. Must be machine pieced and machine quilted.
  4. Minimal Embellishments. Small amount only not to overpower patchwork.
  5. Each exhibit entered must be the bona de work of the exhibitor.
  6. An exhibit having won at a Show will compete at a Group Final.
  7. An exhibitor may represent only one local show at the Group Final and one Group at State Level.
  8. If, for any reason, a winner is unable to compete at Group level then the second placegetter is eligible to compete.
  9. All work to have been completed in the last eighteen (18) months prior to its entry at a local show.
  10. An exhibit that has previously competed at Group level is not eligible to compete again.
  11. If this class is not scheduled or attracts no entries at a local show, the Chief Pavilion Steward in
    consultation with the appropriate Pavilion Section Judges, may select a suitable quilt and, with the
    exhibitor’s permission, enter them in the Group judging as an exhibit representing the particular
    Society concerned.
  12. Group Final location and date is to be determined by the Group. It is the responsibility of either the
    exhibitor or the Show Society to ensure the quilt is delivered on Judging Day and collected in an
    appropriate time frame after the competition.

12 yrs & under:
2120  Article of needlework – machine sewn
2121  Article of needlework – hand sewn
2122  Article of patchwork – machine sewn
2123  Article of patchwork – hand sewn
2124  Article of quilting – hand sewn
2125  Article combining machine & hand sewing

13 & under 17 yrs:
2126  Article of needlework – machine sewn
2127  Article of needlework – hand sewn
2128  Article of patchwork – machine sewn
2129  Article of quilting – machine sewn
2130  Article of quilting – hand sewn
2131  Article combining machine & hand sewing

12 yrs & under
2132  Best Dressed Barbie or Ken Doll

13 & under 17 yrs
2133  Best Dressed Barbie or Ken Doll

JUNIOR CHAMPION NEEDLEWORK: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Robyn & Tony Jones

Three ENCOURAGEMENT AWARDS of $5 each will be awarded in both age groups – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


Competition to be Conducted at Society, Group & State Level. Group judging to be held Monday 11th March
2024 at Berry.

1st = $80, 2nd = $50, 3rd = $30 – Thank you to the Brewer family for generously sponsoring this competition for 20 years.

CONDITIONS: For the purpose of this competition the following definitions apply:
a) Garment: an item that can be worn e.g. dress, jacket, scarf, hat
b) Article: a utility item that isn’t worn but can be used in the home eg blanket; with an outfit eg. bag; for amusement eg. toy; decoration eg. picture etc.
c) Three Different Types: the 3 items in an entry must differ from each other in terms of their construction technique and/or their purpose eg.
a knitted jumper, blanket and tea cosy OR,
a knitted tea cosy, a crocheted tea cosy or a felted tea cosy OR,
a knitted jumper, a knitted blanket and a crocheted blanket.

  1. The whole article and/or garment must be constructed of, and contain a minimum of, 80% wool.
  2. Exhibits (articles/garments) may be knitted, crocheted, sewn, felted etc and must be hand crafted (use of sewing machine is permitted).
  3. A sample of the yarn, fabric or fibre with label must be attached to each item making up the exhibit. If a label is not available such as in the case of a hand spun or felted item, a handwritten label with relevant details and sample will suffice.
  4. An exhibit in this competition may consist of the work of one individual or a group of individuals, or an organization.
  5. All three article/garments must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the local show and made by the exhibitor/s.
  6. An exhibit having won at a local show may be exhibited (the same three article/garments) at the Group Final. The winning exhibit at the Group Final is then eligible to compete in the State Final.
  7. An exhibit is only eligible to represent one Society at Group level and one Group at State level.
  8. An exhibit (article/garment) that has previously competed at Group level is not eligible to compete again.
  9. If this class is not scheduled or attracts no entries at a local show, the Chief Pavilion Steward in consultation with the appropriate Pavilion Section Judges, may select three suitable individual exhibits and, with the exhibitors’ permission, enter them in the Group judging as an exhibit representing the particular Society concerned.
  10. It is the responsibility of the Group Secretary and winner to co-ordinate the transfer of the winning entry to the ASC Office in Sydney for the State judging.
  11. Recommendation: State Final garments are to include a photo of the garment being worn (where possible and applicable).

Rules as at 10 May 2021


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Jillian Roberts, Sandra Vaughan
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All articles to be hand knitted unless otherwise specified
  • To have been completed within previous 2 years & to be unwashed & unworn.
  • Commercial yarn label to be attached to all articles.
  • Novice – someone who has commenced knitting over the last 12 months
  • Prizes in all classes – donated by Macqueen Auctioneers and Valuers, unless stated otherwise

CROCHET CHALLENGE Adult size jumper, cardigan or vest 8 ply or over. 1st = $100, 2nd = $40, 3rd = $10 – donated by Dhugald McDowell
2202  Adult Jumper/Cardigan/Vest, under 8ply
2203  Adult Jumper/Cardigan/Vest, Aran work
2204  Jumper, Cardigan or Vest for baby or child
2205  Baby’s Bonnet or Booties
2206  Article of Baby’s Clothing N.O.S
2207  Shawl or Wrap
2208  Socks – 4 ply – machine or hand knitted
2209  Creative Hand Knitted Garment or Article
2210  Tea Cosy
2211  Scarf
2212  Knitted Soft Toy or toys
2213  Article – Fairisle Work
2214  Any Knitted Article – over 80 years
2215  Any Hand Knitted Article N.O.S
2216  Article of knitting by a Novice 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Mrs K Wood
2217  Machine Knitted Article N.O.S
2218  Any article or garment 2219 Beanie or hat suitable for chemotherapy patient. All items will be donated to Phoenix Committee (Oncology), Goulburn 1st = $30, 2nd = $20 – donated by Rosemary Turner in memory of George Brewer
2220  Novelty Tea Cosy – any combination of materials & construction eg, wool, cotton, silk/knitted, crochet, felted



2221  Article of Knitting 12 yrs & under. 1st = $10
2222  Article of Knitting 17 yrs & under 1st = $10

2223  Article of Machine Knitting 17 yrs & under = $10
JUNIOR CHAMPION KNITTING: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Robyn & Tony Jones

2224  Coat Hanger
2225  Baby’s Rug
2226  Three Piece baby’s Set
2227  Pair of Bootees
2228  Shawl
2229  Knee rug
2230  Bed Size Crochet Rug. 1st = $20, 2nd = $15 – donated by Dhugald McDowall
2231  Child’s Jumper, Cardigan or Vest
2232  Crochet Cloth, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2233  Crochet Toy
2234  Beanie (or hat) and matching scarf
2235  Any Crochet Article not otherwise specified
2236  Any Article of crochet by a Novice

2237  Article in Crochet 12 yrs & under
2238  Article in Crochet 13 and under 17 yrs

CHAMPION CROCHET: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March can only be collected by special arrangement.

STEWARDS: Trish Tindall, Eleanor Brash, Jenny Edwards and Joanne Mourney
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All work must be clean, unused and the work of the exhibitor.
  • All work to have been completed within the previous 2 years & not exhibited in a previous Robertson Show.
  • A novice is someone who commenced the craft of spinning, weaving or felt making over the last 12 months.
  • Methods, construction and materials used to be stated and attached to each exhibit along with a sample of raw wool/fibre and/or yarn.
  • For purposes of this schedule “wool” – means sheep wool only.

2301  Garment made from handspun yarn, either hand knitted or crocheted 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson
2302  Article or accessory (eg socks, hat, gloves, scarf, wrap or bag) made entirely from handspun yarn, knitted or crocheted 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2303  Article or garment made entirely from handspun yarn, either knitted or crocheted, using any fibre or combination of fibres 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2304  Handspun yarn – one skein using any fibre or combination of fibres, min 50grams 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2305  Handspun yarn-one skein, min 50grams, using naturally black or coloured wool. 1st = $15 – donated by Black and Coloured Sheep Breeders Assoc. (South Coast and Southern Tablelands region).
2306  Skein of art yarn/creative hand spinning, min 50grams, using any blend of fibres, recycled materials 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2307  Any article or garment not mentioned, handspun, in any fibre. 1st = $10 2nd = $5 – donated by Janet Austin

JUNIOR CLASSES: 17 years and under
2308  Any article or garment in own handspun yarn. 1st = $10 – donated by Janet Austin

CHAMPION SPINNING: Ron Brewer Memorial Prize Ribbon and $25 – donated by Rosemary Turner


CHAMPION CROCHET: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary


2309  Handwoven article or garment using at least 50% handspun, raw fibre 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by the Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2310  Hand woven article or garment 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by the Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2311  Handwoven scarf, throw or wrap, or length of fabric – minimum length 1 metre – using handspun and/or commercial yarn. 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2312  Any other article woven from natural or experimental materials. 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2313  Any article woven by a novice weaver 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

2314  Article or garment woven by an exhibitor 17 years or under.

Best Exhibit in Classes 2301 to 2313 – Membership voucher with Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

CHAMPION WEAVING: Ron Brewer Memorial Prize Ribbon and $25 – donated by Rosemary Turner


2315  Hand felted garment or wrap using any fibre 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2316  Hand felted accessory e.g. scarf, bag, hat or adornment in any fibre 1st = $10 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2317  Hand felted, non-wearable article 1st = $10 , 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2318  Needle felted article using any fibre
2319  Any article or garment made from hand – made felt by novice felt maker

2320  Any hand-felted article or garment, 12 years and under
2321  Any hand-felted article or garment, 17 years and under

2322 Garment or article made from at least 80% wool using a combination of techniques. Use at least 3 of the following techniques: weaving, spinning, felting, knitting, crochet or embroidery.  Special Prize: Membership Voucher for the Handweavers & Spinners Guild of NSW

Best Exhibit in Classes 2315 to 2321 – Membership voucher with Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

CHAMPION FELTING: Ribbon & $35 – donated by the Illawarra Feltmakers Inc.


Ribbon & $20 – donated by Katherine Wood

Section 24 – ART & SCULPTURE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • Exhibits must have full name, phone no., title, price or NFS on back of item.
  • Commission of 10% of all sales to be made to the Robertson Show Society.
  • All negotiations to be made with Art or Chief Pavilion Steward
  • Exhibits to be the work of the exhibitor.
  • Art Exhibits must be framed and able to be hung with picture wire. Wire must be placed to allow picture to hang in the correct position
  • Exhibits must not have been entered previously at Robertson Show
  • No more than 3 exhibits per exhibitor
  • Maximum size 80cm2 (one or both borders)
  • All entries shall be accepted and presented for judging.
  • Every effort will be made to display all artwork entries. But because of limited display wall spaces in the Pavilion Art section, your art work may not be displayed.
  • A novice is someone who commenced art or sculpture over the last 12 months.

2401  Painting – oil or acrylic 1st = $50, 2nd = $20
2402  Painting Water Colour 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2403  Portrait any media 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2404  Work on paper, Drawing mixed media or print 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2405  Novice works any media 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2406  Sculpture any media 1st = $30, 2nd = $10

YOUTH CLASSES: 13 to 17 years
2407  Portrait, any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2408  Painting oil, acrylic any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2409  Drawing, on paper 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2410  Water Colour, on paper 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2411  Youth Sculpture any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5


CHAMPION ART EXHIBIT: $200 & Ribbon – donated by Donnelley Family

Section 25 – HANDCRAFTS

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

June Shierlaw, Lisa Macqueen & Peter Macqueen
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024. All articles to have been completed within previous 2 years.

2501  Soft Toy or Bear – not knitted
2502  Character Doll
2503  Wall Hanging
2504  Floor Rug
2505  Article of Tolé Work
2506  Article of Quilling
2507  Handmade Card using Quilling or Stamping
2508  Example of Scrap Booking
2509  Article of Parchment Craft
2510  Article of Origami
2511  Calligraphy
2512  Article of Decoupage – any media
2513  Folk Art any media
2514  Piece of Pottery – any method
2515  Ceramic Article
2516  Piece of Hand Painted Porcelain
2517  Article of Stained Glass Work
2518  Article of Hand Made Jewellery
2519  Article of Woodwork, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2520  Article of Turned Woodwork, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2521  Article of Metalwork
2522  Festive Article
2523  Article made from any recycled media
2524  Scale Model (aircraft, boats, etc)
2525  Article Handcraft – NOS
2526  Any Article made by a person with a disability
2527  Mosaics
2528  Mixed media

CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT: $20 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary


JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under
2529  Article of Origami
2530  Article of hand made jewellery
2531  Article of woodwork 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2532  Article made from recycled materials
2533  Article of handcraft not otherwise stated
2534  Any Article made by a child with a disability

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17
2535  Folk Art – any media
2536  Article made from recycled materials
2537  Article of hand made jewellery
2538  Article of Woodwork 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2539  Article of metalwork
2540  Article of Decoupage – any media
2541  Article of handcraft not otherwise stated
2542  Article of Origami
2543  Scale Model –Aircrafts, Boats etc. Not Lego
2544  Any Article made by a youth with a disability
2545  Mixed media

JUNIOR CHAMPION HANDCRAFT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs L Kerwand

Section 26 – PHOTOGRAPHY

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Peter Glass, Barbara Combe
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All articles to have been completed within previous 2 years.
  • Photos may be any size, but must all be firmly mounted on stiff cardboard mounts over 200 gsm.
  • Mount size maximum 40 x 50cms.
    Borders limited to no more than 5cm on all sides
    No Frames allowed
  • Only entries that comply will be judged
  • Photographs may be commercially processed
  • Entries must not have been previously entered at Robertson Show
  • Two entries only per person, per class
  • Champion of Champions Photography Competition will be judged, and all photos will be displayed at Camden Show, 2024
  • Exhibitors cannot enter either Champion Black & White or Champion Colour photo from Robertson Show at any other Group 5 shows

CLASSES: Prize Money in Classes 1 to 21

2601  Robertson Show 2023
2602  Farm Machinery
2603  Flora
2604  Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
2605  Human Study /Portrait
2606  Landscape or Seascape
2607  Any subject other than Specied
2608  Creative/altered reality, any subject
2609  Print on canvas –any of the above subjects
2610  Storm

2611  Robertson Show 2023
2612  Volunteers in Action
2613  Flora
2614  Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
2615  Human Study/Portrait
2616  Landscape or Seascape
2617  Utes, Trucks and Tractors – may be 1 or many
2618  Any subject other than Specied.
2619  Creative / altered reality, any subject
2620  Print on Canvas– any of the above subjects
2621  Storm
CHAMPION BLACK & WHITE PRINT: $25 & Ribbon (eligible to be judged in Group Photography Competition)

CHAMPION COLOUR PRINT: $25 & Ribbon (eligible to be judged in Group Photography Competition)

SUPREME CHAMPION PRINT: Judged from Champion Black & White and Champion Colour Photos only. Award & Ribbon – donated by Burrawang & Wildes Meadow Progress Association

The Champion Colour and Champion Black and White Photograph will be eligible for entry into the Group 5. Champion of Champions Photography Competition conducted by South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies. Group 5 entries will be judged on Thursday 14th March, 2024 and displayed at Camden Show.

Contact Sue Sharpe on 0410545463 if you have won Champion Colour and/or Champion Black and White Photo at a Group 5 show sine August 2023.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & Under
2622  Farmers at work
2623  Nature Study
2624  My Best Friend
2625  Capturing the Moment
2626  Any subject other than specied

2627  Farmers at work
2628  Nature Study
2629  My Best Friend
2630  Capturing the Moment
2631  Any subject other than specified

JUNIOR CHAMPION PRINT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Giblin


YOUTH CLASSES – 13 years & under 17yrs

2632  Volunteers in Action
2633  Flora
2634  My Best Friend
2635  Any Subject other than specified
2636  Any subject – computer altered

2637  Farmers at Work
2638  Nature Study
2639  My Best Friend
2640  Capturing the Moment
2641  Any subject other than specified
2642  Any subject – computer altered/enhanced

YOUTH CHAMPION PRINT: $20 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Giblin


Section 27 – JUNIOR & SCHOOL ART

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Kathy Mant (0411 244 151), R Brewster
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All entries must have name, schedule class, and school out of sight, on the underside of the exhibit or on the back
  • Open to children of all ages under 13 years. Must be under 13 years at the date of the show
  • A4 – A3 paper size. Canvas to be no larger than A3
  • Each class will be open to children with special needs and judged accordingly.

PAINTING – Any subject, any paint
2701  By a pre-school child
2702  By a child in Kindergarten
2703  By a child in Years 1 & 2
2704  By a child in Years 3 & 4
2705  By a child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years

DRAWING – Any subject, pencil, charcoal, crayon, pen and ink or similar
2706  By a pre-school child
2707  By a child in Kindergarten
2708  By a child in Years 1 & 2
2709  By a child in Years 3 & 4
2710  By a child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years

INDIVIDUAL CHAMPION: Classes 2701 to 2710 trophy & ribbon

Special Encouragement Award for a drawing in Classes 2706 to 2709 – donated by Mrs K Mant

Open to any pre-school or primary school within the Wingecarribee group of schools. Please be considerate with the size and weight of your group art exhibit. A Group Item is a single work or article created by more than 3 children.



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Kathy Mant (0411 244 151), R Brewster
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All entries must have name, schedule class, and school on the back out of sight.
  • Open to children of all ages under 13 years. Must be under 13 years at the date of the show
  • Craft items should be secured on a sturdy base plate
  • Craft items to be no larger than 30cm x 30cm
  • Each class will be open to children with special needs and judged accordingly

2801  Any Craft Item

YEARS 1 & 2
2802  Any Craft Item

YEARS 3 & 4
2803  Any Craft Item

2804  Article made from wood. 1st = $5, 2nd = $3
2805  Hand- made article 1st = $5, 2nd = $3

LEGO: To be an original design – NO KITS
2806  Pre School or Kindergarten Aged Child
2807  Child in Years 1 & 2
2808  Child in Years 3 & 4
2809  Child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years
2810  GROUP CRAFT ITEM – Open to any pre-school or primary school within the Wingecarribee group of schools or similar. Item to be no larger than 1m squared.


CREATIVE WRITING – including Poetry for all Children up to but under 13 years
2811 Creative writing Years 3, 4 & 5 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2812 Creative writing Year 6 and under 13yrs. 1st $10, 2nd $5
2813 Creative writing 13 yrs and under 19 yrs. 1st $10, 2nd $5
Prize money in classes 2811 – 2813 – donated by Mrs K Wood

BEST HANDWRITTEN PARAGRAPH (from the text below)
Decorative borders are allowed, but only handwriting will be judged.
2814  Years 4 & 5 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2815  Year 6 or under 13 years 1st = $10, 2nd = $5

One Potato, Two Potato
In my little garden – now promise you won’t laugh,
I haven’t any owers and I haven’t any grass.
But now I’m going to dig and plant And soon I’ll have a show:
With a bit of sun and a bit of rain
There’ll be a lovely row of
One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more!

The Stewards of Sections 27 and 28 wish to thank all Parents and School Staff who, with their guidance and encouragement, help us to mount such an outstanding display of their children’s work. Our reward each year is to see so many smiling faces. Thank You

Robertson Show Pavilion winner

Enter here:

If you are not confident about entering online with Showday, the lovely volunteers at the Robertson CTC on Hoddle Street, Robertson will be happy to help you.

Download the 2024 Pavilion Schedule >

Download a paper Pavilion Entry Form >

Any Government COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS in place at the time of the show will apply on the showground

Pavilion Regulations

  1. ONLINE ENTRY: Please note: The CTC Robertson is available to assist people
    with their online entries.
  2. All entry forms to be completed online by Tue 27th Feb 2024
  3. Late entries may be displayed but will not be judged.
  4. For all exhibit closing times see the individual sections.
  5. Exhibits must not have been entered at any previous Robertson Shows
  6. ENTRY FEES (Open Classes)
    Non-member = $2 | Members = $1 | Children = free
  7. White Exhibitor Claim Tickets must be produced to claim exhibits & prizes.
  8. Most successful exhibitor:
    1st = 3 points | 2nd = 2 points | 3rd = 1 point if awarded
  9. PAVILION OPEN: Friday 9.30am-5pm | Saturday 9am-5pm
    • All perishable entries not collected by 11am will discarded,
    • All other entries may be collected by appointment,
    • All exhibits must be marked off by Stewards before leaving the pavilion.
  11. Prize money in all Pavilion Classes (unless stated otherwise) 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Issued from Show Office from 9am Saturday
    2nd March. School money will be issued at schools. Money not collected by Friday 29th March 2024 will be forfeited.
  12. RIBBONS & TROPHIES: issued with exhibits on Sunday 3rd March.
  13. JUNIOR AGES – 17 years & under – must be 17 on 2/3/24
    AOV = any other variety
    NND = not necessarily distinct
    NOS = not otherwise specified
    Ribbon, Robertson Show Medal and Perpetual Trophy Awarded to the Exhibitor who accrues the most points over all the Pavilion Section

Damage through exhibits: The Society will not be responsible for any accidents that may be caused through or by any exhibits. It is a condition of every entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Society blameless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from such accidents.
Damage to exhibits: Under no circumstances will The Society be responsible for any damage to, loss of, or mis-delivery of, exhibits.


ENTRY DEADLINE 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS to be in pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Cressida Cains
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

9000  Fresh Cheese eg: chevre, feta, mascarpone, Haloumi and cream cheese(Non-Professional)
9001  White Mould eg: White mould, washed Rind and Blue Vein
9002  Hard, Semi Hard Cheese eg: Cheddar, Swiss styles, Parmesan, Tomme and Pecorino
9003  Yoghurt – Plain or Flavoured
9004  Butter – Cultured or Non Cultured Salted or unsalted
CHAMPION Dairy Products: $20, Ribbon & Perpetual Trophy

Section 10 – FARM PRODUCE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Michael Vaughan, Trevor Donovan, Barry Donovan, Carolyn Donovan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
All produce to be grown by exhibitor or family member of exhibitor.


1001  Corn, suitable for fodder, 6 stalks.
1002  Largest Sunflower showing Exhibition Form, 1st = $25, 2nd = $15 – donated by Vinne Norman
1003  Machine Baled Hay, predominantly Clover, 1 bale,
1004  Sward of Pasture (boxed) not exceeding 1/2 metres squared, showing best balance of variety for pasture

All egg classes to be displayed in egg carton, unwashed, not polished or bought
1005  Hen eggs, white 6 only
1006  Hen eggs brown, 6 only
1007  Duck eggs, any variety, 6 only
1008  Eggs, any other poultry, 6 only, distinct variety, name variety
1009  Honey, Plain 500 grams.
1010  Honey, Creamed 500 grams
1011  Honey, Candied 500 grams
1012  Hive frame (no bees to be included)
1013  Produce not otherwise specified


JUNIOR CLASSES (12 years and under):

1014  Eggs – hen, duck or any other poultry, 6 only, distinct variety, name variety
1015  Any other produce.

Section 11 – VEGETABLES

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Trevor Donovan, Barry Donovan, Carolyn Donovan, Michael Vaughan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024. Vegetable exhibits (except pumpkins) may be cut for judging. All produce to be grown by exhibitor or family member of exhibitor. Tomatoes are judged in Fruit Section.

1101  Potatoes any variety, white skins, 1 kg
1102  Potatoes any variety, red skins, 1 kg
1103  Potatoes, white, 4 only
1104  Potatoes, red, 4 only
1105  Potatoes, any other colour, 4 only
1106  Small Potatoes, 6 only
1107  Cocktail Potatoes, 6 only
1108  2 Heaviest Potatoes
1109  Best Presentation of potatoes displayed in a container 1st $40, 2nd $10
1110  1kg of Brushed potatoes displayed in a container 1st $40, 2nd $10

1111  Brassica any variety eg. cabbage, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.
1112  Cucumbers, any variety, 3 only
1113  Onions, any variety 4 only
1114  Onions, spring, 6 only, bunched
1115  Capsicum, any colour, 3 only, may be mixed colours
1116  Parsnips, 3 only

FRED WOOD MEMORIAL For the most outstanding exhibit from Classes 1117 & 1155, $20 prize money – donated by Mrs K Wood

1117  Carrots, any variety 4 only – bunched with tops
1118  Rainbow Chard, bunched 6 stalks
1119  Silver Beet, bunched, 6 stalks
1120  Snow peas, 250 grams
1121  Beans – Flat 250 grams
1122  Beans, round, 250 grams
1123  Lettuce
1124  Sweet corn, 3 cobs
1125  Radishes, any variety – 6 only
1126  Garlic – 2 whole bulbs
1127  Beetroot, any variety
1128  Pumpkin, Crown Prince 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1129  Pumpkin, Butternut 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1130  Pumpkin, Queensland Blue 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1131  Pumpkin, Golden Nugget, 3 only 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1132  Pumpkin, any other variety 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1133  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1134  Collection of 6 pumpkins, all different varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1135  Button Squash, Green or Golden, 6 only
1136  Vegetable Marrow any variety
1137  Squash any variety
1138  Zucchini, 4 only – donated by Mr David Cunningham in Memory of his father, John.
1139  Gramma
1140  Gourd
1141  Parsley, 1 bunch
1142  Rhubarb, 6 stalks
1143  Vegetable AOV
1144  Any vegetable grown by exhibitor over 70 years
1145  Collection of Kitchen Herbs, 5 varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1146  Collection Salad vegetables, 5 varieties, 2 of each 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1147  Collection Baby vegetables, 6 varieties 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Prize money in classes 2095 to 2097 – donated by the Robertson Garden Club

1148 SNOW DONOVAN MEMORIAL PRIZE Collection of vegetables, 10 varieties. 1st = $30, 2nd = $20, 3rd = $10 – donated by Mrs Val Donovan

CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $50 and Ribbon – donated by the Robertson Garden Club


JUNIOR CLASSES (12 years & under):
1149  Potatoes, white, 3 only
1150  Potatoes, red, 3 only
1151  Largest Potato 1st = $10
1152  Collection of potatoes displayed in a container 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
1153  Onions, any variety, 2 only
1154  Beans, any variety, 4 only of same variety
1155  Carrots, 3 only
1156  Zucchinis, 3 only
1157  Biggest Zucchini
1158  Cucumbers, any variety, 2 only of same variety
1159  Pumpkin, any variety
1160  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield
1161  Vegetable, any other variety
1162  Collection of Vegetables, any 4 varieties. Judged on quality & presentation
1163  Best Animal made from any type of vegetables, under 8 yrs
1164  Best Animal made of any type of vegetables, 8 – 12 yrs
1165 Best Animal made from potatoes only
Prize money in classes 1163 to 1165 – donated by Margaret Whatman

JUNIOR CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield


YOUTH CLASSES (13 – 17 yrs):
1166  Potatoes, white, 3 only
1167  Potatoes, red, 3 only
1168  Largest Potato
Prize money for classes 1166 to 1168 – donated by Al & Sandy Mauger

1169  Best Collection of potatoes displayed in a container
1170  Onions, any variety, 2 only
1171  Beans, any variety, 4 only of same variety
1172  Carrots, 3 only
1173  Zucchinis, 3 only
1174  Biggest Zucchini
1175  Cucumbers, any variety, 2 only of same
1176  Pumpkin, any variety
1177  Largest Pumpkin 1st = $30, 2nd = $20
1178  Collection of Vegetables, any 4 varieties, judged on quality & presentation

YOUTH CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield


JUNIOR CHAMPION VEGETABLE: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Mr Cedric Schofield



1179 Heaviest Pumpkin – Open
Open to exhibitors 19 years and over as at the close of entry date. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 70kg. Any entry under 70kg is not eligible to compete. 1st = $250, 2nd = $200, 3rd = $150

1180 Heaviest Pumpkin – Schools
Open to students 18 years and under as at the close of entry date where the pumpkin is harvested in the school garden. Prize monies will be awarded to the school. The entry is to be submitted under the school name. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 20kg. Any entry under 20kg is ineligible to compete.
1st = $450, 2nd = $300, 3rd = $200

1181 Heaviest Pumpkin – Youth
Open to individual students 18 years and under as at the close of entry date where pumpkin has not been harvested in a school garden environment. Minimum weight of entries in this class must be over 20kg. Any entry under 20kg is ineligible to compete. 1st = $150, 2nd = $100, 3rd = $50

Section 12 – FRUIT

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in pavilion by 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Trevor Donovan
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

1201  Apples – Delicious, Golden or red – 4 only
1202  Apples – Red Fuji – 4 only
1203  Apples – any other variety – 4 only
1204  Collection of Apples, 3 varieties, 3 of each
1205  Pears – any variety – 4 only
1206  Quinces – 4 only
1207  Plums – any variety – 6 only
1208  Lemons – any variety NND – 6 only
1209  Grapefruit – 4 only
1210  Citrus – any other variety – 4 only
1211  Tomatoes – green – to have stalks – 4 only
1212  Tomatoes – ripe – to have stalks – 4 only
1213  Tomatoes – small – cherry, grape etc. – 6 only
1214  Tomatoes – any other variety – 4 only

1215  Melon, any variety 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 – donated by Mr David Cunningham in memory of his father, John.
1216  Fruit – any other variety – 3 only
1217  Collection of Fruit, 4 varieties, 2 of each 1st = $20, 2nd = $10

JUNIOR CLASSES 17 years & under:
1218  Plums – any variety – 6 only
1219  Tomatoes – green – to have stalks – 4 only
1220  Any other fruit (including tomatoes) any variety, 2 only, same variety.

CHAMPION FRUIT: Ribbon & $50 – donated by Robertson Garden Club



JUNIOR JUDGING: Fruit, Vegetables & Grain
The Robertson Show Society will host South Coast & Tablelands. Group 5 Competitions at Robertson Showground on Friday 1st March 2024.
For students 12 – 15 years and 15 – 25 years. The two top place winners in the Senior age group of both competitions will be eligible to compete at the 2024 Sydney Royal Agricultural Show.

1221  12 to 15 years: 1st $80, 2nd $50, 3rd $30
1222  15 to 25 years: Top 2 place getters 1st $80, 2nd $50, 3rd $30

For more details contact Group 5 Secretary: Sue Sharpe email


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 2pm – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Renee Eccleston & Les Eccleston
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
• Vase: any bottle or container, with height greater than its width, suitable for showing cut flowers and foliage.
• Bowl: any container with its diameter equal to or greater than its height
• Novice – First time exhibitor at Robertson show
• A container should not be too large for the shelving.
• Large ornamental vases are not recommended
• DISTINCT: Means that the bloom must be of a different cultivar from the others.
• N.N.D.: Not Necessarily Distinct. This means that two (2) or more blooms may be of the same cultivar. Where NND is specified for one vase of three blooms, each one of the different cultivars may be or may not be shown.

ROSE CLASSES: (Roses to be named)
1301  3 vases – exhibitor’s own choice, all distinct varieties, (must be different) 1 flower only, no buds.
1302  3 vases of exhibitor’s own choice, all different varieties of roses, – 1 flower only no buds. Must be a resident of the Wingecarribee Shire
1303  1 container of cluster flower roses 1 to 6 stems, must have minimum of ten blooms, all same cultivar.
1304  1 container of cluster flower roses 1 to 6 stems, must have minimum of ten blooms NND
1305  1 Exhibition Rose, 1 flower only, no buds 1st $ 10, 2nd $ 5 – donated by Robertson Garden Club
1306  1 Rose – 1 flower only, no buds 1st $10, 2nd $5 – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary
1307  1 Rose – 1 flower only, no buds. Must be a resident of the Wingecarribee Shire 1st $10, 2nd $5
1308  Four Stages of Life, 1 Bud, 1 Bud Opening, 1 Exhibition, 1 Full Blown Rose
1309  Vase of 3 full blown Roses NND
1310  Container of Roses, NND

BOWL CLASSES: Roses that can’t be shown in above classes. May include buds, hips and foliage. Max. size of exhibit 30cm wide x 20cm high.
1311  Bowl of Roses – miniature or polyantha
1312  Bowl of Large Flowered Climbers or Shrubs
1313  Bowl of short stemmed cluster flowers, climbers or shrubs
1314  Exhibit by a Novice Exhibitor (Any of the above Classes)

CHAMPION ROSE EXHIBIT (from classes 1301 to 1314) $50 and Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Garden Club

1315  Belladonna – 3 cuts
1316  Container of Pelargoniums or Geraniums.
1317  Container of Salvia, 3 cuts
1318  Container of Proteas or Leucodendrons, 3 cuts – NND
1319  Container of Alstroemeria, 3 cuts (NZ Christmas Bells)
1320  Container of Michaelmas Daisies.
1321  Container of Anemone Hybrida, 6 cuts (Japanese Windflowers)
1322  Container of Hydrangeas, 3 Cuts – NND, 1st $15, 2nd $5 – donated by Robertson Garden Club
1323  Container of Paniculatas, 3 Cuts (New Zealand Hydrangea)
1324  Container of Fuchsias
1325  Container of Nerines – NND, min. 1, max. 4
1326  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type (No Dahlias)
1327  Container of Native flowers, 1st $10, 2nd $5 (including trees and shrubs) – donated by the Robertson Show Auxiliary
1328  Container of bush tucker plants (3 varieties – plants to be named)
1329  Container of Flowers from non native shrubs or trees, 3 cuts.
1330  Container of Coloured Foliage, 4 cuts.
1331  Collection of flowers NND
1332  Container of Mixed Blooms shown by a Novice Exhibitor, 1st = $15, 2nd = $5 – donated in Memory of Mrs Ann Schofield

CHAMPION CUT FLOWER EXHIBIT: (from classes 1315-1332) $20.00 & Ribbon
– in Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

JUNIORS 8 yrs and under:
1333  Container of Lavender
1334  Container of Hydrangeas
1335  Container of Native flowers
1336  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1337  Container of Mixed flowers,

JUNIORS 9 and under 12:
1338  Container of Lavender
1339  Container of Hydrangeas
1340  Container of Native flowers
1341  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1342  Container of Mixed flowers,

JUNIORS 13 & under 17:
1343  Container of Lavender
1344  Container of Hydrangeas
1345  Container of Native flowers
1346  Container of Flowers – AOV, same type
1347  Container of Mixed flowers

JUNIOR CHAMPION CUT FLOWERS (from classes 1333-1347) $5 and Ribbon
– in Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

• Dahlias over 160mm are shown one to a vase.
• Dahlias under 160mm are shown three to a vase, except Show Dahlias, which are shown one to a vase.
• A vase is any bottle or container suitable for showing Dahlias.

1348 ROBERTSON DAHLIA CHAMPION: Cultivars to be named – 3 vases, distinct types, standard units. 1st = $50 & Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Garden Club

1349 TED McGUINNESS MEMORIAL AWARD: Cultivars to be named – 1 Decorative dahlia, 1 Exhibition dahlia, 1 Cactus dahlia $20
– donated by Mrs Edna McGuinness

1350 MISS JOAN MEMORIAL AWARD: 1 vase collarette, 3 blooms, 1 variety – Miss Joan, under 160mm, Best Vase $20.00
– donated by Mr David Cunningham in memory of his mother, Joan Cunningham

1351  One Decorative Dahlia over 160m
1352  One Vase Decorative Dahlias under l60mm – 3 blooms
1353  One Cactus Dahlia over 160mm
1354  One Vase Cactus Dahlias – under 160mm – 3 blooms
1355  One Vase Waterlily Dahlias – 3 blooms
1356  One Vase Pom Pone Dahlias – 1 variety – 3 blooms
1357  One Dahlia, any other variety
1358  Novice – 1 Vase – 3 blooms, any variety – donated by Mrs Annette O’Donnell

JUNIOR BEGINNERS: 17 years and Under.
1359  One dahlia over 160mm 1360 1 vase dahlia under 160mm, 3 blooms

GRAND CHAMPION DAHLIA: $80 and Ribbon – donated by Robertson Garden Club

MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR: Ribbon – In Memory of Mrs Marguerite Cromarty, donated by her Family

Section 14 – DECORATIVE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 2pm – 5pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Annette O’Donnell, Lynne Tierney
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

• Only two (2) entries allowed, per exhibitor, in each class.
• Free Expression: in all classes unless otherwise stated.
• Embellishment: natural and/or artificial embellishment may be used

1401  Simplicity
1402  “Roadside Beauty” created from materials collected from roadside foliage
1403  Bright and Beautiful
1404  Dining Table – No higher than 9” (23cm) to include roses
1405  Fascinating Foliage
1406  Autumn Glory
1407  Native Arrangement
1408  Harvest Festival using flowers, fruit and vegetables
1409  From a Country Garden
1410  Weeds, seeds and leaves – originality unlimited
1411  “Celebration” eg Wedding, Birthday, Christmas etc. please specify
1412  Harmony with Two Colours

CHAMPION DECORATIVE: Mrs Julia Mackey Memorial. $20 and ribbon


1413  Arranged Saucer of flowers under 6 years
1414  Arrangement of flowers in egg cup under 6 years
1415  Floral carpet on a plate – 6 & under 9 years
1416  A Farmyard – 6 & under 9 years
1417  A Fairy Garden – 6 & under 9years
1418  Novelty Necklace of flowers – 6 & under 12 years
1419  Arrangement of flowers – 9 & under 12 years
1420  Weeds and Seeds – 12 & under 17 years
1421  Arrangement of flowers – 12 & under 17 years
1422  Flowers for Your Valentine – 12 & under 17 years



Section 15 – POT PLANTS

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 4pm, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Sonia O’Shea and Judith Volcich
JUDGING: 6pm, Thursday 29th February 2024

• Entry tickets to be fixed on pots
• Size of pots to be no larger than 30cm in diameter
• Plants not to exceed 60cm in diameter at their widest part
• Plants will be watered by stewards if entered early
• Limit of 2 entries per person per class

1501  Orchid, any variety.
1502  Pot plant in a recycled vessel
1503  Fern, any other variety.
1504  Pot Plant, with variegated leaf.
1505  Pot plant in flower
1506  Flowering begonia – any variety
1507  African Violet.
1508  Cactus
1509  Succulents
1510  Miniature Garden Cacti or Succulents.
1511  Bonsai
1512  Bromeliad, any variety
1513  Pot plant, not otherwise specified.
1514  Mixed Herbs in a pot, 1st $10, 2nd $6
1515  Vertical wall display (1.5m x 1m only – able to be mounted)

CHAMPION POT PLANT: $20 and Ribbon – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


JUNIOR CLASSES: Prizes in gumboot classes 1516, 1520 & 2354 – donated by Mr & Mrs J Skipper
8 years & under:
1516  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1517  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1518  Pot Plant, any variety
1519  Farm in a pot – create your own farm

9 to under 12 years:
1520  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1521  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1522  Pot Plant, any variety
1523  Herbs in a pot – at least 3 varieties

12 years to under 17 years:
1524  Pot Plant in gumboot, shoe or boot.
1525  Any Pot Plant in a novelty container (not limited to a pot)
1526  Pot Plant, any variety
1527  Herbs in a pot – at least 3 varieties.

JUNIOR CHAMPION POT PLANT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


Section 16 – COOKERY

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
STAGING OF EXHIBITS: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Val Donovan, Sharon Donovan, Julienna Ferenczi, Jodie Donovan, Jackie Tickner
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

RULES AND REGULATIONS: please read carefully
No packet cake mixtures to be used unless otherwise specified. Exhibits in this section must be made by exhibitor. All cakes to be exhibited on firm flat cardboard, covered with grease proof paper. Cardboard must be same size as the cake. Baking papers to be removed from all cakes. Exhibit ticket to be attached to exhibit with a toothpick. No ring tins or spring form pans to be used Cakes in classes 2, 3 and 4 must have cleats or runners attached to base boards.

HINTS ON EXHIBITION COOKING: It is important you read the schedule carefully.
Check closing times for entries. No wire rack marks – cool on tea-towel. Use caster sugar for finer cakes.
Do not put your cakes in plastic containers or bags before judging as this can draw moisture – use cellophane for best results. Biscuits, pikelets, slices and scones should be dainty. Iced cake on top only, unless otherwise stated. Weigh sponge mixture for even heights. Scones – always use sharp cutter, always wipe excess flour from base.

1601  THE MARBLE CAKE CHALLENGE: (traditional colours only, pink, brown and white), Iced top only with pale pink icing, cooked in 20cm (8”) round tinDon’t miss this great opportunity to join the elite cake cooks. 1st = $60, 2nd = $30, 3rd = $10 – donated by “The Cool Room Emporium: Old Cheese Factory Robertson

Exhibits in Classes 1602 – 1604 may use cake blocks, please state if used
1602  Formally Decorated Fondant Iced Cake – e.g. wedding with leaves, flowers, buds etc. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
– donated by Ms F Donnelly

1603  Most creatively decorated Novelty cake. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1604  Creatively decorated cupcakes – may be cooked in paper. 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Classes 1603 & 1604 – donated in Memory of Audrey Emery

CHAMPION DECORATED CAKE: $20 & Ribbon – donated in memory of Audrey Emery

1605  Plain Sponge – jam filled only, not iced. Not to be cooked with cornflour 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1606  Sponge – any other variety, mock cream filled, not iced. Not to be cooked with cornflour 1st = $10, 2nd = $5

CHAMPION SPONGE – Rita Hindmarsh Memorial: $20.00 & Ribbon
– donated by Robertson Show Society Auxiliary

1607  Sultana Cake – 20cm (8”) tin 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1608  Fruit Cake – light – 20cm (8”) 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
1609  Six Lamingtons 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
Classes 1607 to 1609 – donated in memory of Mrs Joyce Menzies

1610  Chocolate cake – iced top only
1611  Orange Cake – Iced top only
1612  Butter Cake – iced top only
1613  Chocolate Potato Cake – iced top only
1614  Sour cream cake – iced top only
Classes 1610 to 1614 – donated by Mrs F Bailey in memory of Mrs J Mackey

1615  GENTLEMEN!! Carrot Cake Challenge iced with cream cheese. Iced, top only (Men only) 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5
– donated by Dhugald McDowall

1616  Six Butterfly Cakes – not cooked in paper
1617  Six Patty Cakes – not cooked in paper
Classes 1616 and 1617 in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson – donated by Mrs M Moore

1618  Cake NOS – state type
1619  Six biscuits – 2 varieties
1620  Favourite slice – 6 pieces 2 varieties
1621  Six plain scones
1622  Six muffins – not cooked in paper
1623  Six Date scones
Classes 1618 to 1623 – donated by Mr & Mrs A & M Oehm

1624  Plate of Coconut Ice
1625  Plate Home Made Sweets
1626  Specimen of Cooking NOS
Classes 1624, 1625 & 1626 – donated in memory of Lucy Vaughan

1627  Apple Pie – cooked in pie dish – in memory of Cas Norman
1628  Gluten Free Cookery 1st = $30, 2nd = $20, 3rd = $10 – donated by Mrs Carmel Wilkinson
1629  GROUP 5 RICH FRUIT CAKE Winner of the Robertson Competition is eligible to enter Group Judging (Nov. 2024) 1st = $20, 2nd = $15, 3rd = $10 – donated by Ms Fiona Donnelly  Additional 1st prize $25 – sponsorship by Andrew Horne and ASC.

INGREDIENTS: 250g (8 oz) sultanas, 250 g (8 oz) chopped raisins, 250 g (8 oz) currants, 125 g (4 oz) chopped mixed peel, 90 g (3oz) chopped red glace cherries, 90 g (3 oz) chopped blanched almonds, 1/3 cup sherry or brandy, 250 g (8 oz) plain flour, 60 g (2 oz) self-raising flour, 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, 250g (8 oz) butter, 250g (8 oz), soft brown sugar, ½ teaspoon lemon essence OR finely grated lemon rind, ½ teaspoon almond essence, ½ teaspoon, vanilla essence, 4 large eggs.

RECOMMENDED METHOD: Mix together all the fruits and nuts and sprinkle with the sherry or brandy. Cover and leave for at least 1 hour, but preferably overnight. Sift together the flours and spices Cream together the butter and sugar with the essences. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after, each addition, then alternately add the fruit and flour mixtures. Mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stiff enough to support a wooden spoon. Place the mixture into a prepared square 20cm x 20cm (8” x 8”) tin and bake in a slow oven for approximately 3 ½ – 4 hours. Allow the cake to cool in the tin. Note: To ensure uniformity and depending upon the size it is suggested the raisins be snipped into 2 or 3 pieces, cherries into 4-6 pieces and almonds crosswise into 3-4 pieces. Note: cake height is not to exceed 5.7cms.

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1601-1629) $20 & Ribbon – donated by Vincent Norman


JUNIOR CLASSES 8 years & under
1630  Marble Cake. Book & 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Robertson Pre-School
1631  Chocolate Cake, iced top only. 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Margaret Whatman
1632  Four Decorated commercial plain biscuits (eg Arrowroot etc) on a white plate no larger than 18 cm – donated by Trevor & Sharon Donovan
1633  Six Anzac Biscuits
1634  Six choc chip biscuits
1635  Packet Cake
1636  Decorated Novelty Cake – may use packet cake
CHAMPION COOKERY (Classes 1630 to 1636) Ribbon & $ 5 – donated by G & D Foley

JUNIOR CLASSES 9 and under 12 years
1637  Marble Cake Book & 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 – donated by Robertson Pre-School
1638  Chocolate Cake, iced top only. 1st $7, 2nd $3 – donated by Margaret Whatman
1639  Six Anzac Biscuits
1640  Six Choc Chip Biscuits
1641  Four best cupcakes any variety (may be presented in paper)
1642  Six Muffins
1643  Orange Cake – plain iced, top only. 1st $10, 2nd $5
1644  Decorated Novelty Cake. 1st $10, 2nd $5
1645  Edible necklace – anything edible strung on cotton or fishing line. 1st $10, 2nd $5 – donated in memory of Joyce Menzies

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1637 to 1645) Ribbon & $ 10 – donated by G & D Foley

JUNIOR CLASSES 13 and under 17 years
1646  CHOCOLATE CAKE CHALLENGE plain iced, top only. 1st $15 & Book, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 – donated by Alexandra Stannard
1647  Six Lamingtons
1648  Butter cake , iced top only
1649  Orange cake, iced top only
1650  Six Pieces of Slice
1651  Six Muffins
1652  Four best cupcakes any variety (may be presented in paper)
1653  Plate of Brownies
1654  Specimen of cooking not otherwise specified
1655  Decorated Novelty Cake 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Trevor & Sharon Donovan

CHAMPION COOKERY: (Classes 1646-1655) Ribbon & $10 – donated by G & D Foley

MOST SUCCESSFUL JUNIOR EXHIBITOR: (Classes 1630-1655) Ribbon & Award

Section 17 – BREAD

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3  Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Sandra Banbury, Peter Glass, Elizabeth Ellis
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

RULES AND REGULATIONS: please read carefully
• Exhibits in this section must be made by exhibitor
• No bought loaves of bread
• Amateur – a person who bakes bread, as a pastime and for no gain.
• Professional – A professional is a person whose job is to bake and sell bread.

1701  Sour dough
1702  Wholemeal loaf
1703  White loaf
1704  Specialty bread – exhibitors choice
1705  Four (4) bread rolls of any variety

1706  Sour dough
1707  Wholemeal loaf
1708  White loaf
1709  Specialty bread– exhibitors choice
1710  Four (4) bread rolls of any variety



Section 18 – PRESERVES

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARDS: Susan Walker, Peta Moss
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • No more than two entries in each class per exhibitor, excepting classes marked with an asterisk & collections.
  • NOS Classes – if more than one entry per exhibitor, entries must be distinct and different varieties. Please name varieties.
  • All exhibits may be opened for judging.
  • All preserves to be exhibited in screw or twist top jars only.
  • No identifying labels allowed on jars except in Classes 1810, 1812, 1818, 1823, 1833
  • Each bottle in collections to be marked on base with class and exhibitor number.
  • Lids to be plain, metal only & brand names not to be showing.
  • No wax to be used to seal any exhibit.
  • Presentation is important – all jars and lids must be clean, no sign of rust or corrosion on metal lids.
  • In classes where varieties are not specified, if more than 3 entries of any one variety, a new class may be created by the Judge.
  • If any ingredient is used which may cause an allergic reaction please label jar accordingly

JAMS: Must be presented in glass jars to be between 375 – 500 grams filled weight, with jars only filled to the bottom of the lid thread.

1801  Strawberry
1802  Peach
1803  Dark Plum
1804  Light Plum
1805  Blackberry
1806  Apricot
1807  Raspberry
1808  Damson
1809  Grape
1810  Fig
1811  *Jam NOS
1812  Orange Marmalade
1813  *Marmalade NOS
Classes 1801 – 1813 – donated by Burrawang Wildes Meadow Community Association

JELLIES: Not less than 100 grams
1814  Apple
1815  Blackberry
1816  Quince
1817  Plum or Damson
1818  Mint Jelly
1819  * Jelly NOS

PICKLES, RELISH & CHUTNEYS: not less than 375 grams
1820  Mustard Pickles
1821  Clear Pickles
1822  Green Tomato Pickles
1823  Pickled Onions
1824  * Pickles NOS
1825  Chutney
1826  Tomato Relish
1827  Relish, AOV
Classes 1820 – 1827 in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson – donated by Mrs M Moore

CONDIMENTS: 300-500 ml sauce bottles
1828  Tomato Sauce
1829  Plum Sauce
1830  Herbed Vinegar
1831  Flavoured Oil
1832  Passatta

1833  Lemon Butter – not less than 100 gram jar.
1834  * Paste, any variety eg. olive, quince, fig etc, no less than 100 grams
1835  Vegetable Preserves using Vacola type process, max 3 entries per exhibitor.
1836  Fruit Preserves using Vacola type process, max 3 entries per exhibitor
1837  Dried Fruit any variety
1838  Tapenade any variety

CHAMPION PRESERVE: Classes 1801 – 1838 $30 & Ribbon

COLLECTIONS: Judged on presentation, as well as quality of preserves. To be named.
1839  Collection of marmalade – 3 bottles, 3 different varieties, to be named,
1840  Collection of jams, 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named
1841  Mens’ Challenge – Collection of jams, 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5 – donated by Dhughald McDowell
1842  Collection of jams by a Novice – 4 bottles, 4 different varieties, to be named.
1843  Collection of Jellies, 4 bottles only, 4 different varieties, to be named.
1844  Collection – Pickles, Sauces, Vinegar, Chutney, Relish, Olives etc, 6 bottles only, of 6 different kinds.



JUNIOR SECTION: 17 years & under
Two entries max per exhibitor in each class. New classes may be scheduled at Stewards’ discretion.
1845  Plum Jam
1846  Jam, AOV, name variety
1847  Jelly, any variety, name variety
1848  Chutney
1849  Chutney Collection – two distinct varieties
1850  Sauce, any variety, name variety
1851  Pickles, any variety, name variety
1852  Chutney, 54, Herbed Vinegar
1853  Pantry Collection – Jam, Jelly, Sauce, Chutney, etc, 4 bottles only, of 4 different kinds. To be named

JUNIOR CHAMPION PRESERVES: Award & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Yasbsley



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARD: Kim de Montemas
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • No more than two entries in each class per exhibitor
  • All exhibits may be opened for judging.
  • No identifying labels allowed on bottles
  • Lids to be plain – brand names not to be showing.
  • No wax to be used to seal any exhibit.
  • Presentation is important – all bottles and lids must be clean, no sign of rust or corrosion on metal lids.

1901  Home-made wine – 750ml bottle
1902  Beer, home brew
1903  Ginger beer
1904  Lager
1905  Cider


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARD: Trish Tindall
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024


  • Make your own sheep, or an item with a sheep theme, to be part of the flock in the Pavilion. Live sheep are not eligible
  • Entries can be made by an individual or a group
  • Limit of one entry per person or per group
  • Maximum overall size for individual entries: 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
  • Maximum overall size for group entries: 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm
  • Any technique (e.g knitting, weaving ,felting, crochet, sewing)
  • Bring any props needed for display

2001  Individual entry -Best Sheep in Show -Open (17 years and over)
2002  Individual entry- Best Sheep in Show -Junior (13 to under 17 years of age)
2003  Individual entry- Best Sheep in Show -Junior (12 years and under)
2004  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show –Open (17 years and over)
2005  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show – Junior (13 to under 17 years of age)
2006  Group entry- Best Sheep in Show – Junior (12 years and under)

PEOPLES’ CHOICE AWARD $50 and ribbon

CHAMPION SHEEP IN SHOW $100 and ribbon

Section 20 – FANCYWORK

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3. Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

STEWARD: Susan McGregor, Cathy King
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024
For all entry and judging times, entry fees, prize money not otherwise specified, see page 1


  • All work must be clean, unused and the work of the exhibitor
  • Work must not have been exhibited in a previous Robertson Show
  • Work must have been completed in last 2 years
  • Work must have been done by hand unless otherwise stated


  • If work is mounted must be no longer than 60cm x 60cm including frame
  • If the article is a cushion, garment, coat hanger etc. the base maybe machine sewn

2007  Article of Fancywork $20 – donated by Cathy King
2008  Article of Wool Embroidery
2009  Article of Beaded Embroidery
2010  Article of Slow Stitching $20 – donated by Cathy King
2011  Article of Embroidery not otherwise stated e.g candlewicking, ribbon embroidery $20 – donated by Cathy King
2012  Creative Hand Embroidery – own design, may use multiple techniques $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2013  Article of Machine Embroidery – own design, may use multiple techniques
2014  Article showing Innovative Trends in Embroidery $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams

CHAMPION FANCYWORK EXHIBIT – $20 and Ribbon – donated in memory of D&B Williams

If work is mounted must be no larger than 60cm x 60cm including frame

2015  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch – Aida Cloth
2016  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch – Linen
2017  Article Counted Thread, cross stitch, Linen or Aida, unframed, e.g. cushion, needle roll etc $20 – donated in memory of D & B Williams

CHAMPION COUNTED THREAD $20 and ribbon – donated in memory of D & B Williams

If work is mounted must be no larger than 60cm x 60cm including frame

2018  Article of Tapestry – unmounted
2019  Article of Tapestry – mounted
2020  Article of Tapestry – non-traditional stitch
2021  Article of Tapestry – e.g. cushion, fire stand
2022  Article of Long Stitch

CHAMPION TAPESTRY – $20 and Ribbon – donated in memory of D & B Williams

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17 years
2027  Article of Embroidery $10 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2028  Article of Cross Stitch
2029  Article of Long Stitch
2030  Article of Tapestry

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under
2023  Article of Embroidery $10 – donated in memory of D & B Williams
2024  Article of Cross Stitch
2025  Article of Long Stitch
2026  Article of Tapestry


Proudly support by the Robertson Burrow.

• Work must not be mounted
• A photograph(s) of the original article(s) prior to upcycling and an
explanation of the work must accompany the upcycled article

2031  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2032  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2033  Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow
2034  Article constructed from recycled cloth, clothing, fabric, household linen, napiery. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow

CHAMPION UPCYCLING EXHIBIT: $30 donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under:
2035  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2036  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2037 Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2038 Article constructed from recycled clothing $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17 years:
2039  Article constructed from recycled Fancywork, counted thread work or tapestry $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2040  Article constructed from recycled knitting or crochet. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2041 Article constructed from recycled needlework or quilting $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
2042 Article constructed from recycled clothing. $10 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.
JUNIOR CHAMPION UPCYCLING EXHIBIT: $30 – donated by The Robertson Burrow Inc.

Section 21 – NEEDLEWORK

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of. For all regulations, denitions, see page 3
STEWARDS: Noellee Taylor, Bec Garske, Leanne Cleary
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All exhibits must have been completed within previous two years
  • To be unworn and unused
    Quilting must be done by exhibitor (except where stated)
    Professionals & teachers to enter Class 2617 only

2101  Child’s Frock
2102  Article of Clothing, not quilted
2103  Article including Applique other than quilts
2104  Cushion
2105  Article of needlework – other than specified eg. coat hanger
2106  Any article of needlework (may include quilting) by an adult with a disability relating to sight or movement. 1st $10, 2nd $5

QUILTS must have a sleeve attached. Prize money 1st = $20, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5 unless otherwise stated

2107  Patchwork Quilt – machine made by a novice, 1st = $7, 2nd = $3
2108  Patchwork Quilt – hand/machine pieced. Must include 60% hand constructed & 100% hand quilted.
2109  Quilt predominately Applique – Hand and/or machine pieced and quilted. More than 60% must be appliqued
2110  Patchwork Quilt – hand/ machine constructed, machine quilted by professional. Must be 60% hand constructed
2111  Patchwork Quilt – hand / machine pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor. Must be 60% hand constructed
2112  Patchwork Quilt – machine pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor
2113  Patchwork Quilt – machine pieced, machine quilted by professional
2114  Patchwork Garment 1st = $15, 2nd = $7
2115  Article of Patchwork – machine made. 2116 Any Quilted Article, other than quilt.
2117  Professional Class (for tutors, teachers etc.) Any article or garment which includes quilting.
2118  “Cindy Ambrose” Perpetual Prize for Patchwork Quilt – machine or hand pieced or applique, machine or hand quilted. 1st = $35, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5
– donated by Allison Lim


MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN NEEDLEWORK: Ribbon and $20 – donated by Mr Vinnie Norman in memory of “Diddy Norman“

Competition to be Conducted at Society, Group & State Level 1st = $80, 2nd = $50, 3rd = $30. Group judging to be held Monday 11th March 2024 at Berry.
RULES & REGULATIONS – Rules as of the 5/9/2019

  1. The exhibit is to be not more than one metre on any one side (rectangle or square
    shape only)
  2. Framed and board mounted exhibits not permitted.
  3. Must be machine pieced and machine quilted.
  4. Minimal Embellishments. Small amount only not to overpower patchwork.
  5. Each exhibit entered must be the bona de work of the exhibitor.
  6. An exhibit having won at a Show will compete at a Group Final.
  7. An exhibitor may represent only one local show at the Group Final and one Group at State Level.
  8. If, for any reason, a winner is unable to compete at Group level then the second placegetter is eligible to compete.
  9. All work to have been completed in the last eighteen (18) months prior to its entry at a local show.
  10. An exhibit that has previously competed at Group level is not eligible to compete again.
  11. If this class is not scheduled or attracts no entries at a local show, the Chief Pavilion Steward in
    consultation with the appropriate Pavilion Section Judges, may select a suitable quilt and, with the
    exhibitor’s permission, enter them in the Group judging as an exhibit representing the particular
    Society concerned.
  12. Group Final location and date is to be determined by the Group. It is the responsibility of either the
    exhibitor or the Show Society to ensure the quilt is delivered on Judging Day and collected in an
    appropriate time frame after the competition.

12 yrs & under:
2120  Article of needlework – machine sewn
2121  Article of needlework – hand sewn
2122  Article of patchwork – machine sewn
2123  Article of patchwork – hand sewn
2124  Article of quilting – hand sewn
2125  Article combining machine & hand sewing

13 & under 17 yrs:
2126  Article of needlework – machine sewn
2127  Article of needlework – hand sewn
2128  Article of patchwork – machine sewn
2129  Article of quilting – machine sewn
2130  Article of quilting – hand sewn
2131  Article combining machine & hand sewing

12 yrs & under
2132  Best Dressed Barbie or Ken Doll

13 & under 17 yrs
2133  Best Dressed Barbie or Ken Doll

JUNIOR CHAMPION NEEDLEWORK: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Robyn & Tony Jones

Three ENCOURAGEMENT AWARDS of $5 each will be awarded in both age groups – donated by Ms Trish Pemberton


Competition to be Conducted at Society, Group & State Level. Group judging to be held Monday 11th March
2024 at Berry.

1st = $80, 2nd = $50, 3rd = $30 – Thank you to the Brewer family for generously sponsoring this competition for 20 years.

CONDITIONS: For the purpose of this competition the following definitions apply:
a) Garment: an item that can be worn e.g. dress, jacket, scarf, hat
b) Article: a utility item that isn’t worn but can be used in the home eg blanket; with an outfit eg. bag; for amusement eg. toy; decoration eg. picture etc.
c) Three Different Types: the 3 items in an entry must differ from each other in terms of their construction technique and/or their purpose eg.
a knitted jumper, blanket and tea cosy OR,
a knitted tea cosy, a crocheted tea cosy or a felted tea cosy OR,
a knitted jumper, a knitted blanket and a crocheted blanket.

  1. The whole article and/or garment must be constructed of, and contain a minimum of, 80% wool.
  2. Exhibits (articles/garments) may be knitted, crocheted, sewn, felted etc and must be hand crafted (use of sewing machine is permitted).
  3. A sample of the yarn, fabric or fibre with label must be attached to each item making up the exhibit. If a label is not available such as in the case of a hand spun or felted item, a handwritten label with relevant details and sample will suffice.
  4. An exhibit in this competition may consist of the work of one individual or a group of individuals, or an organization.
  5. All three article/garments must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the local show and made by the exhibitor/s.
  6. An exhibit having won at a local show may be exhibited (the same three article/garments) at the Group Final. The winning exhibit at the Group Final is then eligible to compete in the State Final.
  7. An exhibit is only eligible to represent one Society at Group level and one Group at State level.
  8. An exhibit (article/garment) that has previously competed at Group level is not eligible to compete again.
  9. If this class is not scheduled or attracts no entries at a local show, the Chief Pavilion Steward in consultation with the appropriate Pavilion Section Judges, may select three suitable individual exhibits and, with the exhibitors’ permission, enter them in the Group judging as an exhibit representing the particular Society concerned.
  10. It is the responsibility of the Group Secretary and winner to co-ordinate the transfer of the winning entry to the ASC Office in Sydney for the State judging.
  11. Recommendation: State Final garments are to include a photo of the garment being worn (where possible and applicable).

Rules as at 10 May 2021


ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Jillian Roberts, Sandra Vaughan
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All articles to be hand knitted unless otherwise specified
  • To have been completed within previous 2 years & to be unwashed & unworn.
  • Commercial yarn label to be attached to all articles.
  • Novice – someone who has commenced knitting over the last 12 months
  • Prizes in all classes – donated by Macqueen Auctioneers and Valuers, unless stated otherwise

CROCHET CHALLENGE Adult size jumper, cardigan or vest 8 ply or over. 1st = $100, 2nd = $40, 3rd = $10 – donated by Dhugald McDowell
2202  Adult Jumper/Cardigan/Vest, under 8ply
2203  Adult Jumper/Cardigan/Vest, Aran work
2204  Jumper, Cardigan or Vest for baby or child
2205  Baby’s Bonnet or Booties
2206  Article of Baby’s Clothing N.O.S
2207  Shawl or Wrap
2208  Socks – 4 ply – machine or hand knitted
2209  Creative Hand Knitted Garment or Article
2210  Tea Cosy
2211  Scarf
2212  Knitted Soft Toy or toys
2213  Article – Fairisle Work
2214  Any Knitted Article – over 80 years
2215  Any Hand Knitted Article N.O.S
2216  Article of knitting by a Novice 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Mrs K Wood
2217  Machine Knitted Article N.O.S
2218  Any article or garment 2219 Beanie or hat suitable for chemotherapy patient. All items will be donated to Phoenix Committee (Oncology), Goulburn 1st = $30, 2nd = $20 – donated by Rosemary Turner in memory of George Brewer
2220  Novelty Tea Cosy – any combination of materials & construction eg, wool, cotton, silk/knitted, crochet, felted



2221  Article of Knitting 12 yrs & under. 1st = $10
2222  Article of Knitting 17 yrs & under 1st = $10

2223  Article of Machine Knitting 17 yrs & under = $10
JUNIOR CHAMPION KNITTING: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Robyn & Tony Jones

2224  Coat Hanger
2225  Baby’s Rug
2226  Three Piece baby’s Set
2227  Pair of Bootees
2228  Shawl
2229  Knee rug
2230  Bed Size Crochet Rug. 1st = $20, 2nd = $15 – donated by Dhugald McDowall
2231  Child’s Jumper, Cardigan or Vest
2232  Crochet Cloth, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2233  Crochet Toy
2234  Beanie (or hat) and matching scarf
2235  Any Crochet Article not otherwise specified
2236  Any Article of crochet by a Novice

2237  Article in Crochet 12 yrs & under
2238  Article in Crochet 13 and under 17 yrs

CHAMPION CROCHET: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March can only be collected by special arrangement.

STEWARDS: Trish Tindall, Eleanor Brash, Jenny Edwards and Joanne Mourney
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All work must be clean, unused and the work of the exhibitor.
  • All work to have been completed within the previous 2 years & not exhibited in a previous Robertson Show.
  • A novice is someone who commenced the craft of spinning, weaving or felt making over the last 12 months.
  • Methods, construction and materials used to be stated and attached to each exhibit along with a sample of raw wool/fibre and/or yarn.
  • For purposes of this schedule “wool” – means sheep wool only.

2301  Garment made from handspun yarn, either hand knitted or crocheted 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated in memory of Mrs Joan Henderson
2302  Article or accessory (eg socks, hat, gloves, scarf, wrap or bag) made entirely from handspun yarn, knitted or crocheted 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2303  Article or garment made entirely from handspun yarn, either knitted or crocheted, using any fibre or combination of fibres 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2304  Handspun yarn – one skein using any fibre or combination of fibres, min 50grams 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2305  Handspun yarn-one skein, min 50grams, using naturally black or coloured wool. 1st = $15 – donated by Black and Coloured Sheep Breeders Assoc. (South Coast and Southern Tablelands region).
2306  Skein of art yarn/creative hand spinning, min 50grams, using any blend of fibres, recycled materials 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2307  Any article or garment not mentioned, handspun, in any fibre. 1st = $10 2nd = $5 – donated by Janet Austin

JUNIOR CLASSES: 17 years and under
2308  Any article or garment in own handspun yarn. 1st = $10 – donated by Janet Austin

CHAMPION SPINNING: Ron Brewer Memorial Prize Ribbon and $25 – donated by Rosemary Turner


CHAMPION CROCHET: $5 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary


2309  Handwoven article or garment using at least 50% handspun, raw fibre 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by the Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2310  Hand woven article or garment 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by the Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2311  Handwoven scarf, throw or wrap, or length of fabric – minimum length 1 metre – using handspun and/or commercial yarn. 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2312  Any other article woven from natural or experimental materials. 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2313  Any article woven by a novice weaver 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

2314  Article or garment woven by an exhibitor 17 years or under.

Best Exhibit in Classes 2301 to 2313 – Membership voucher with Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

CHAMPION WEAVING: Ron Brewer Memorial Prize Ribbon and $25 – donated by Rosemary Turner


2315  Hand felted garment or wrap using any fibre 1st $10 – donated by the Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW
2316  Hand felted accessory e.g. scarf, bag, hat or adornment in any fibre 1st = $10 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2317  Hand felted, non-wearable article 1st = $10 , 2nd = $5 – donated by Sutherland Spinners & Weavers Group
2318  Needle felted article using any fibre
2319  Any article or garment made from hand – made felt by novice felt maker

2320  Any hand-felted article or garment, 12 years and under
2321  Any hand-felted article or garment, 17 years and under

2322 Garment or article made from at least 80% wool using a combination of techniques. Use at least 3 of the following techniques: weaving, spinning, felting, knitting, crochet or embroidery.  Special Prize: Membership Voucher for the Handweavers & Spinners Guild of NSW

Best Exhibit in Classes 2315 to 2321 – Membership voucher with Handweavers and Spinners Guild NSW

CHAMPION FELTING: Ribbon & $35 – donated by the Illawarra Feltmakers Inc.


Ribbon & $20 – donated by Katherine Wood

Section 24 – ART & SCULPTURE

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • Exhibits must have full name, phone no., title, price or NFS on back of item.
  • Commission of 10% of all sales to be made to the Robertson Show Society.
  • All negotiations to be made with Art or Chief Pavilion Steward
  • Exhibits to be the work of the exhibitor.
  • Art Exhibits must be framed and able to be hung with picture wire. Wire must be placed to allow picture to hang in the correct position
  • Exhibits must not have been entered previously at Robertson Show
  • No more than 3 exhibits per exhibitor
  • Maximum size 80cm2 (one or both borders)
  • All entries shall be accepted and presented for judging.
  • Every effort will be made to display all artwork entries. But because of limited display wall spaces in the Pavilion Art section, your art work may not be displayed.
  • A novice is someone who commenced art or sculpture over the last 12 months.

2401  Painting – oil or acrylic 1st = $50, 2nd = $20
2402  Painting Water Colour 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2403  Portrait any media 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2404  Work on paper, Drawing mixed media or print 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2405  Novice works any media 1st = $35, 2nd = $15
2406  Sculpture any media 1st = $30, 2nd = $10

YOUTH CLASSES: 13 to 17 years
2407  Portrait, any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2408  Painting oil, acrylic any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2409  Drawing, on paper 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2410  Water Colour, on paper 1st = $15, 2nd = $5
2411  Youth Sculpture any media 1st = $15, 2nd = $5


CHAMPION ART EXHIBIT: $200 & Ribbon – donated by Donnelley Family

Section 25 – HANDCRAFTS

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.

June Shierlaw, Lisa Macqueen & Peter Macqueen
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024. All articles to have been completed within previous 2 years.

2501  Soft Toy or Bear – not knitted
2502  Character Doll
2503  Wall Hanging
2504  Floor Rug
2505  Article of Tolé Work
2506  Article of Quilling
2507  Handmade Card using Quilling or Stamping
2508  Example of Scrap Booking
2509  Article of Parchment Craft
2510  Article of Origami
2511  Calligraphy
2512  Article of Decoupage – any media
2513  Folk Art any media
2514  Piece of Pottery – any method
2515  Ceramic Article
2516  Piece of Hand Painted Porcelain
2517  Article of Stained Glass Work
2518  Article of Hand Made Jewellery
2519  Article of Woodwork, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2520  Article of Turned Woodwork, 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2521  Article of Metalwork
2522  Festive Article
2523  Article made from any recycled media
2524  Scale Model (aircraft, boats, etc)
2525  Article Handcraft – NOS
2526  Any Article made by a person with a disability
2527  Mosaics
2528  Mixed media

CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT: $20 & Ribbon – donated by Robertson Show Auxiliary


JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & under
2529  Article of Origami
2530  Article of hand made jewellery
2531  Article of woodwork 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2532  Article made from recycled materials
2533  Article of handcraft not otherwise stated
2534  Any Article made by a child with a disability

JUNIOR CLASSES – 13 and under 17
2535  Folk Art – any media
2536  Article made from recycled materials
2537  Article of hand made jewellery
2538  Article of Woodwork 1st = $10, 2nd = $5 – donated by The Village Woodworks
2539  Article of metalwork
2540  Article of Decoupage – any media
2541  Article of handcraft not otherwise stated
2542  Article of Origami
2543  Scale Model –Aircrafts, Boats etc. Not Lego
2544  Any Article made by a youth with a disability
2545  Mixed media

JUNIOR CHAMPION HANDCRAFT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs L Kerwand

Section 26 – PHOTOGRAPHY

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion by 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Adult non-members = $2 | Adult Members = $1 | Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3rd March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Peter Glass, Barbara Combe
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All articles to have been completed within previous 2 years.
  • Photos may be any size, but must all be firmly mounted on stiff cardboard mounts over 200 gsm.
  • Mount size maximum 40 x 50cms.
    Borders limited to no more than 5cm on all sides
    No Frames allowed
  • Only entries that comply will be judged
  • Photographs may be commercially processed
  • Entries must not have been previously entered at Robertson Show
  • Two entries only per person, per class
  • Champion of Champions Photography Competition will be judged, and all photos will be displayed at Camden Show, 2024
  • Exhibitors cannot enter either Champion Black & White or Champion Colour photo from Robertson Show at any other Group 5 shows

CLASSES: Prize Money in Classes 1 to 21

2601  Robertson Show 2023
2602  Farm Machinery
2603  Flora
2604  Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
2605  Human Study /Portrait
2606  Landscape or Seascape
2607  Any subject other than Specied
2608  Creative/altered reality, any subject
2609  Print on canvas –any of the above subjects
2610  Storm

2611  Robertson Show 2023
2612  Volunteers in Action
2613  Flora
2614  Animal, Vegetable or Mineral
2615  Human Study/Portrait
2616  Landscape or Seascape
2617  Utes, Trucks and Tractors – may be 1 or many
2618  Any subject other than Specied.
2619  Creative / altered reality, any subject
2620  Print on Canvas– any of the above subjects
2621  Storm
CHAMPION BLACK & WHITE PRINT: $25 & Ribbon (eligible to be judged in Group Photography Competition)

CHAMPION COLOUR PRINT: $25 & Ribbon (eligible to be judged in Group Photography Competition)

SUPREME CHAMPION PRINT: Judged from Champion Black & White and Champion Colour Photos only. Award & Ribbon – donated by Burrawang & Wildes Meadow Progress Association

The Champion Colour and Champion Black and White Photograph will be eligible for entry into the Group 5. Champion of Champions Photography Competition conducted by South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies. Group 5 entries will be judged on Thursday 14th March, 2024 and displayed at Camden Show.

Contact Sue Sharpe on 0410545463 if you have won Champion Colour and/or Champion Black and White Photo at a Group 5 show sine August 2023.

JUNIOR CLASSES – 12 years & Under
2622  Farmers at work
2623  Nature Study
2624  My Best Friend
2625  Capturing the Moment
2626  Any subject other than specied

2627  Farmers at work
2628  Nature Study
2629  My Best Friend
2630  Capturing the Moment
2631  Any subject other than specified

JUNIOR CHAMPION PRINT: $10 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Giblin


YOUTH CLASSES – 13 years & under 17yrs

2632  Volunteers in Action
2633  Flora
2634  My Best Friend
2635  Any Subject other than specified
2636  Any subject – computer altered

2637  Farmers at Work
2638  Nature Study
2639  My Best Friend
2640  Capturing the Moment
2641  Any subject other than specified
2642  Any subject – computer altered/enhanced

YOUTH CHAMPION PRINT: $20 & Ribbon – donated by Mrs Jan Giblin


Section 27 – JUNIOR & SCHOOL ART

ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Kathy Mant (0411 244 151), R Brewster
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All entries must have name, schedule class, and school out of sight, on the underside of the exhibit or on the back
  • Open to children of all ages under 13 years. Must be under 13 years at the date of the show
  • A4 – A3 paper size. Canvas to be no larger than A3
  • Each class will be open to children with special needs and judged accordingly.

PAINTING – Any subject, any paint
2701  By a pre-school child
2702  By a child in Kindergarten
2703  By a child in Years 1 & 2
2704  By a child in Years 3 & 4
2705  By a child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years

DRAWING – Any subject, pencil, charcoal, crayon, pen and ink or similar
2706  By a pre-school child
2707  By a child in Kindergarten
2708  By a child in Years 1 & 2
2709  By a child in Years 3 & 4
2710  By a child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years

INDIVIDUAL CHAMPION: Classes 2701 to 2710 trophy & ribbon

Special Encouragement Award for a drawing in Classes 2706 to 2709 – donated by Mrs K Mant

Open to any pre-school or primary school within the Wingecarribee group of schools. Please be considerate with the size and weight of your group art exhibit. A Group Item is a single work or article created by more than 3 children.



ENTRY DEADLINE: 6pm, Tuesday 27th February 2024
DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITS: to be in the pavilion: 9am, Thursday 29th February 2024
ENTRY: Juniors free
PRIZE MONEY: unless otherwise stated: 1st = $7, 2nd = $3 Exhibits left in pavilion after 11am Sunday 3th March will be disposed of.
STEWARDS: Kathy Mant (0411 244 151), R Brewster
JUDGING: 10am, Thursday 29th February 2024

  • All entries must have name, schedule class, and school on the back out of sight.
  • Open to children of all ages under 13 years. Must be under 13 years at the date of the show
  • Craft items should be secured on a sturdy base plate
  • Craft items to be no larger than 30cm x 30cm
  • Each class will be open to children with special needs and judged accordingly

2801  Any Craft Item

YEARS 1 & 2
2802  Any Craft Item

YEARS 3 & 4
2803  Any Craft Item

2804  Article made from wood. 1st = $5, 2nd = $3
2805  Hand- made article 1st = $5, 2nd = $3

LEGO: To be an original design – NO KITS
2806  Pre School or Kindergarten Aged Child
2807  Child in Years 1 & 2
2808  Child in Years 3 & 4
2809  Child in Years 5 & 6 or under 13 years
2810  GROUP CRAFT ITEM – Open to any pre-school or primary school within the Wingecarribee group of schools or similar. Item to be no larger than 1m squared.


CREATIVE WRITING – including Poetry for all Children up to but under 13 years
2811 Creative writing Years 3, 4 & 5 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2812 Creative writing Year 6 and under 13yrs. 1st $10, 2nd $5
2813 Creative writing 13 yrs and under 19 yrs. 1st $10, 2nd $5
Prize money in classes 2811 – 2813 – donated by Mrs K Wood

BEST HANDWRITTEN PARAGRAPH (from the text below)
Decorative borders are allowed, but only handwriting will be judged.
2814  Years 4 & 5 1st = $10, 2nd = $5
2815  Year 6 or under 13 years 1st = $10, 2nd = $5

One Potato, Two Potato
In my little garden – now promise you won’t laugh,
I haven’t any owers and I haven’t any grass.
But now I’m going to dig and plant And soon I’ll have a show:
With a bit of sun and a bit of rain
There’ll be a lovely row of
One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more!

The Stewards of Sections 27 and 28 wish to thank all Parents and School Staff who, with their guidance and encouragement, help us to mount such an outstanding display of their children’s work. Our reward each year is to see so many smiling faces. Thank You