at the Robertson Show

Like all good regional shows, the Robertson Show relies on volunteers. And we’d love to welcome you to our team!! So, what’s in it for you?
- Free entry to the show
- Connect with the people of Robertson & enjoy the community spirit
- Help support our regional farmers and agriculture
- Be part of the team that ensures the future of Robertson Show
- Learn – there is so much fun stuff to learn from our experienced stewards
- Make a difference
We have so many roles to fill, either behind the scenes or on show day.
Vice presidents
Chief horse steward
Chief beef steward
Chief dairy steward
Chief Poultry steward
Chief Pavilion Steward
Pavilion section stewards
Membership Officer
Sponsor Manager
WHS Officer
Office Manager (show time)
Ring master
Trade space / exhibitor manager
Asset manager
Promotions Manager
Social Media Manager
Rodeo Manager
Ring Events and Entertainment Coordinator
Demolition derby Chief Steward
Dog Chief Steward
Pasture Competition Coordinator
Young Women of the Year Coordinator
Potato races Chief Steward
Rural Ambassador Coordinator
Gate Coordinator
Bar Manager
BBQ & Dining Room coordinator
Simply send an email to letting us know you’d like to be involved in some way, or phone Sharon on 0488 428 776. You can be assured we’ll welcome you with open arms and find something just right for you!