
Saturday 15th March 2025

CHIEF STEWARD: Jess Watts assisted by Dapto Poultry Club

ENTRIES CLOSE: 5pm, Wednesday 12th March 2025


To be sent to:

The Secretary, PO Box 3044, Robertson, 2577

or email: robertsonshow@bigpond.com

ENTRY FEE: $1 per bird


1st = $3

2nd = $2

ENTRIES LIMIT: 200 birds – No late entries accepted.


Commences at 9:30am.

All exhibits must be in place by 9:00am, Saturday 15th March 2025.

Junior exhibitors (under 14 years of age) must pen their own birds.

In Any Other Breed (A.O.B.) classes, the breed must be stated on the entry form. If four or more birds are entered by at least two exhibitors, a class will be created for that breed prior to judging (not on the day).

Any bird showing illness or parasites (e.g., lice or scaly leg mite) will be removed from the pavilion.

No birds are to be removed from cages except by the judge or steward until unpenning time.

Do not interfere with or talk to the judge while judging is in progress.


Exhibits will be available for pick-up from 1:00pm.

All birds must be removed by 4:30pm, when the pavilion will be closed.