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Rural Ambassador Program Robertson Show – in conjunction with TAG

Meet the 2023 Rural Ambassador. This program recognises young people who are active within the geographical group 5 of the Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales and to recognise their involvement in:

1. The agricultural show movement 2. Agriculture sector 3. Rural communities

As the Robertson Show Rural Ambassador, the successful applicant:

  • Participates in the show societies youth committee or with TAG, organising youth events for the 2023 Show, including the Young Farmers Challenge.
  • Receive a show mentor/s, being their understudy for their available duration of the show.
    Completes a Steward Rotation, giving them the opportunity to see each section in depth. This involve s interacting with livestock and exhibitors, as well as handing out ribbons and prizes.
  • Is the Presidents guest at all official functions at the show and throughout the year.
  • The Robertson Show Rural Ambassador, also receives:
    $200 cash Prize
    Rural Ambassador Dress Shirt
    2 years membership to Robertson Show Society
    2 years membership to TAG
    12 Month Honorary Committee Position on The Show Society
  • The Robertson Show Ambassador also has the opportunity to represent the Robertson Show Society at the Sydney Royal Easter Show Tour & Education Camp.

Young Rural Ambassador Program – in conjunction with TAG

Meet the Young Rural Ambassador. This program provides stewards for Group 5 Shows and offer an experience for young individuals who want to further their knowledge in the ag show movement. The aim of the program is to increase the involvement and retention of young people (14 to 18 year olds) within the South Coast and Tablelands of NSW agricultural show movement through recognition and mentoring.

All successful applicants participate in at least one of the two show days. They complete a pre-show stewardship training course.

On Show Day our young rural ambassadors:

  • Meet and greet with the show society executive committee, sponsors, judges and officials.
  • Have a behind the scenes full showground tour.
  • Participate in 3 different sections for 2 to 3hrs each, where they are paired with a mentor and be part of the team during judging.
  • Have the opportunity to be part of the Young Rural Ambassador Team in the Junior Young Farmers Challenge.
  • All successful applicants receive:
    Stewardship training course & stewards pack
    “Robertson Show” Young Steward Shirt
    12-month TAG Membership
    12-month Show Membership, including 2023 show entry.
    Certificate of participation and letter of endorsement


11 March 2023
1:00 pm
Event Category:


Robertson Show Society
02 4885 1620


Centre Ring Robertson Showground
2315 Kangaloon Road
Robertson, NSW 2577 Australia
+ Google Map

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